The little things-They aren't little

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I saw this post on pinterest and I had to share this

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I saw this post on pinterest and I had to share this.

You know, the little things aren't really little.

                       Story Time

One day I was coming back from school and I had a really bad day.

It happened when the school started after the pandemic.

It had been 2 years? Since I last saw them. I was so happy that Everything will go back to normal. But nothing was the same.

We all had drifted apart.

I tried

I really tried

But I was just watering a dead plant.

They rarely talked to me. I had all of a sudden become a loner.

And when I stopped trying, they said I have changed.

       But I still kept on trying with one person.

My bestfriend

Cause it was too hard to accept that things have changed.

And that day she shouted at me to shut up as I was annoying her, when all I wanted was her to talk to me.

I felt as if it was all my fault and I was the worst person ever.

And when I was riding the bus,

I made an eye contact with an elderly lady

And trust me she gave me such a heart warming smile that I felt like hugging her then and there and cry my hearts out.

Just beside her a mother was sitting with her child, when the baby looked up to me
She smiled , which made her mother smile at me too.

They shifted to give me some space to sit.

Just a smile

Just a smile literally made my day.

Just a smile shutted down all the bad thoughts I had about myself.

All I thought was..'They smiled at me , so maybe I am not that bad.'

( Through this story I just wanted to let you all know

The impact....even the smallest acts of kindness have.

They won't remember smiling at a young girl on the bus.

But I will. I will remember it for a long time.

So help your mom do the dishes, smile
at strangers, give some milk to the hungry kitten, tell your mom her food tasted amazing, Let the elderly go ahead in the grocery line.

Cause even the most smallest acts of kindness,have the power,to change a life.)


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