Something that I have learned

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There is something I have learned in life

That a lot of our over-whelming emotions is caused due to



Lack of sleep

I know it doesn't sound convincing but it is so true.

As for me, I get really angry when I am hungry . I talk badly, I am frustrated , I scream .

And I hurt the people I love without intending to do that.

When I am sleepy I feel super angry and exhausted. I just want to throw everything away .

So I have learned to treat myself like a child at moments like these.

Whenever I feel super angry

I feed myself and trust me I feel so fresh that I can't even remember why I was feeling angry

Whenever I feel exhausted or angry

I just put myself to sleep as fast as possible . And everything turns out fine.

Whenever I feel stressed or anxious

I drink lots of water and try to calm myself down .

So what I wanted to say is

Sometimes our heaviest emotions are fueled or created because of small things like these.

Because physical tiredness leads to mental tiredness as well .

I know this was kind of off topic but learning this helped me alot.

Lastly , I love you♡♡

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