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(Ella's POV)

It has been over 4 months since I've found my sister Thalia again & I'll admit that as much as her anger issues bothered me, I'm still glad to have her back.

We'd never been 'that' close, like those typical sisters who bond over the love of their common interests.

It could've been because she's three years older than me. Or that I'd spent more time with my twin Jason than I did with her.

The fact that she reminds me of mom only made things worse somehow...

But at the end of the day if I ever need to talk or get advice she's the only other person I trust after Percy, Annie & Grover.

I'd tried catching her up on the stuff that was going on since she'd uh..disappeared- off..or whatever...

Sometimes it felt like everything was back to normal..but then the harsh reality would hit me like a ton of bricks leaving all of my hopes crushed.

The Friday before winter break, Percy’s mom picked up Annie, Thalia & me on the way to Bar Harbor, Maine, which was an eight-hour drive from New York.

Sleet & snow pounded the highway.

I hadn't seen Percy in months, even though we kept in touch with each other through emails & we did iris message each other from time to time, it just wasn’t the same as meeting up & I'd missed him (A lot!!).

Between the blizzard & the thought of what we were about to do, we were too nervous to talk much.

Except for his mom.

I guess she talked way more when she got nervous. By the time we finally got to Westover Hall, it was dark, & she'd told Annie, Thalia & me every embarrassing baby story there was to tell about Percy.

Thalia wiped the fog off the car window & peered outside. "Oh, yeah. This'll be fun."

"Li, your idea of fun is NOT the same as mine." I said, shaking my head.

"Spoilsport.." Thalia muttered.

"Hey! Shut up."

Westover Hall looked like an evil knight's castle. It was all black stone, with towers & slit windows & a big set of wooden double doors. It stood on a snowy cliff overlooking this big frosty forest on one side & the gray churning ocean on the other.

"Are you sure you don't want me to wait?" Percy’s mom asked.

"No, thanks, Mom," Percy said. "I don't know how long it will take. We'll be okay."

"But how will you get back? I'm worried, Percy."

"It's okay, Ms. Jackson." Annie smiled. Her blond hair was up in a ski cap & her gray eyes were the same color as the ocean.

"Yeah, don't worry. We'll keep him out of trouble." I added.

His mom seemed to relax a little. She thinks Annie & me were the most level headed demigods to hit eighth grade.

"All right, dears," Sally said. "Do you have everything you need?"

"Yes, Ms. Jackson," Thalia said. "Thanks for the ride."

"Extra sweaters? My phone number?"


"Your ambrosia & nectar, Percy? And a golden drachma in case you need to contact camp?"

"Mom, seriously! We'll be fine. Come on, guys." Percy said a little harshly.

Sally looked a little hurt, but I placed a hand on her shoulder & gave it a reassuring squeeze as the others got out of the car then said.

Daughter Of Lightning - Book 3 (A Percy Jackson x OC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now