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(Percy's POV)

Looking back on it, Annabeth's move was brilliant. Wearing her cap of invisibility, she plowed into the di Angelos, Nora & me, knocking us to the ground.

For a split second, Dr. Thorn was taken by surprise, so his first volley of missiles zipped over our heads.

This gave Thalia & Grover a chance to advance from behind—Thalia wielding her magic shield, Aegis.

If you've never seen Thalia run into battle, you haven't been frightened.

She uses a huge spear that expands from this collapsible Mace canister she carries in her pocket, but that's not the scary part. Her shield is modeled after her dad Zeus'—also called Aegis—a gift from Athena. The shield has the head of the gorgon Medusa molded into the bronze, & even though it won't turn you to stone, it's so horrible, most people panic & run at the sight of it.

Even Dr. Thorn winced and growled when he saw it.

Thalia moved in with her spear. "For Zeus!"

I thought Dr. Thorn was a goner. Thalia jabbed at his head, but he snarled & swatted the spear aside.

His hand changed into an orange paw, with enormous claws that sparked against Thalia's shield as he slashed. If it hadn't been for Aegis, Thalia would've been sliced like a loaf of bread.

As it was, she managed to roll back & land on her feet.

The sound of the helicopter was getting louder behind me, but I didn't dare look.

Dr. Thorn launched another volley of missiles at Thalia, & this time I saw how he did it. He had a tail—a leathery, scorpion like tail that bristled with spikes at the tip. The missiles deflected off Aegis, but the force of their impact knocked Thalia down.

Grover sprang forward. He put his reed pipes to his lips & began to play—a frantic jig that sounded like something pirates would dance to. Grass broke through the snow. Within seconds, rope-thick weeds wrapped around Dr. Thorn's legs, entangling him.

Dr. Thorn roared & began to change. He grew larger until he was in his true form—his face still human, but his body that of a huge lion. His leathery, spiky tail whipped deadly thorns in all directions.

"Who are you people?" Bianca di Angelo demanded. "And what is that?"

"He's a manticore! We’ve gotta to do something." Nora said. She looked a lot more pale now & she struggled to keep her eyes open so she wouldn't pass out.

"A manticore?" Nico gasped. "He's got three thousand attack power & plus five to saving throws!"

I didn't know what he was talking about, but I didn't have time to worry about it. The manticore clawed Grover's magic weeds to shreds then turned toward us with a snarl.

"Get down!" Nora said managing to push the di Angelos flat into the snow.

At the last second, I remembered my own shield. I hit my wristwatch, & metal plating spiraled out into a thick bronze shield. Not a moment too soon. The thorns which would've skewered Nora & me impacted against it with such force they dented the metal.

The beautiful shield, a gift from my brother, was damaged. I wasn't sure it could even stop a second volley.

I heard a thwack & a yelp, & Grover landed next to me with a thud.

"Yield!" the monster roared.

"Never!" Thalia yelled from across the field.

She charged the monster, & for a second, I thought she would run him through. But then there was a loud noise & a blaze of light from behind us.

The helicopter appeared out of the mist, hovering just beyond the cliffs. It was a sleek black military-style gunship, with attachments on the sides that looked like laser-guided rockets.

The helicopter had to be manned by mortals, but what was it doing here? How were mortals working with a monster?

The searchlights blinded Thalia, & the manticore swatted her away with his tail. Her shield flew off into the snow. Her spear flew in the other direction.

"No!" I ran out to help her. I parried away a spike just before it would've hit her chest. I raised my shield over us, but I knew it wouldn't be enough.

Dr. Thorn laughed. "Now you see how hopeless it is? Yield, little heroes."

We were trapped between a monster & a fully armed helicopter. We had no chance.

Then I heard a loud, piercing sound: the call of a hunting horn blowing in the woods.

Daughter Of Lightning - Book 3 (A Percy Jackson x OC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now