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(Percy's POV)

I was pretty miserable at dinner that night.

I mean, the food was excellent as usual. You can't go wrong with barbecue, pizza, & ever-empty soda goblets.

The torches & braziers kept the outdoor pavilion warm, but we all had to sit with our cabin mates, which meant I was alone at the Poseidon table. Thalia sat at the Zeus table with Nora, but we couldn't sit together.

Camp rules.

At least the Hephaestus, Ares, & Hermes cabins had a few people each.

Nico sat with the Stoll brothers, since new campers always got stuck in the Hermes cabin if their Olympian parent was unknown. The Stoll brothers seemed to be trying to convince Nico that poker was a much better game than Mythomagic.

I hoped Nico didn't have money to lose.

The only table that really seemed to be having a good time was the Artemis table. The Hunters drank, ate & laughed like one big happy family.

Zoe sat at the head like she was the mama. She didn't laugh as much as the others, but she did smile from time to time. Her silver lieutenant's band glittered in the dark braids of her hair. I thought she looked a lot nicer when she smiled.

Bianca di Angelo seemed to be having a great time. She was trying to learn how to arm wrestle from the big girl who'd picked a fight with the Ares kid on the basketball court. The bigger girl was beating her every time, but Bianca didn't seem to mind.

When we'd finished eating, Chiron made the customary toast to the gods and formally welcomed the Hunters of Artemis. The clapping was pretty halfhearted. Then he announced the "good will" capture-the-flag game for tomorrow night, which got a lot better reception.

Afterward, we all trailed back to our cabins for an early, winter lights out.

I was exhausted, which meant I fell asleep easily. That was the good part.

The bad part was, I had a nightmare, & even by my standards it was a whopper.

Annabeth was on a dark hill, shrouded in fog. It almost seemed like the Underworld, because I immediately felt claustrophobic & I couldn't see the sky above-just a close, heavy darkness, as if I were in a cave.

Annabeth struggled up the hill. Old broken Greek columns of black marble were scattered around, as though something had blasted a huge building to rums.

"Thorn!" Annabeth cried. "Where are you? Why did you bring me here?" She scrambled over a section of broken wall and came to the crest of the hill.

She gasped.

There was Luke. And he was in pain.

He was crumpled on the rocky ground, trying to rise. The blackness seemed to be thicker around him, fog swirling hungrily. His clothes were in tatters and his face was scratched & drenched with sweat,

"Annie!" he called. "Help me! Please!"

She ran forward.

I tried to cry out: He's a traitor! Don't trust him!

But my voice didn't work in the dream.

Annabeth was in tears. She reached down like she wanted to touch Luke's face, but at the last second she hesitated.

"What happened?" she asked.

"They left me here," Luke groaned. "Please. It's killing me."

I couldn't see what was wrong with him. He seemed to be struggling against some invisible curse, as though the fog were squeezing him to death.

"Why should I trust you?" Annabeth asked. Her voice was filled with hurt.

"You shouldn't," Luke said. "I've been terrible to you. But if you don't help me, I'll die."

Let him die, I wanted to scream. Luke had tried to kill us in cold blood too many times. He didn't deserve anything from Annabeth.

Then the darkness above Luke began to crumble, like a cavern roof in an earthquake. Huge chunks of black rock began falling.

Annabeth rushed in just as a crack appeared, & the whole ceiling dropped. She held it somehow-tons of rock. She kept it from collapsing on her & Luke just with her own strength.

It was impossible. She shouldn't have been able to do that.

Luke rolled free, gasping. "Thanks," he managed.

"Help me hold it," Annabeth groaned.

Luke caught his breath. His face covered in grime & sweat. He rose unsteadily.

"I knew I could count on you." He began to walk away as the trembling blackness threatened to crush Annabeth.

"HELP ME!" she pleaded,

"Oh, don't worry," Luke said. "Your help is on the way. It's all part of the plan. In the meantime, try not to die."

The ceiling of darkness began to crumble again, pushing Annabeth against the ground.

I sat bolt upright in bed, clawing at the sheets. There was no sound in my cabin except the gurgle of the saltwater spring.

The clock on my nightstand read just after midnight.

Only a dream, but I was sure of two things: Annabeth was in terrible danger. And Luke was responsible.

(Ella's POV)

It was a little past midnight. I was in bed, about to fall asleep, when I heard a knock on the door.

I knew who is was before I even opened the door. But the real question was why why was he here? It was past curfew hours...

I opened the door & saw Percy.

"What are you doing here?? Its way past curfew. Do you have any idea what the harpies would do if th-"

"Can I sleep here for the night?" Percy said stopping me mid ramble. I blinked in surprise at that & just said.

"You what?"

"I just had a bad dream..&..& I get it if you're gonna say no, I could totally leave..."

"No! I mean you don't have to go." I said opening the door further & stepping aside to let him come into my cabin.

"You do know that you're gonna get into a lot of trouble if you're caught here right?"

"I know. But it's worth it if I'm able to spend time with you." Percy said with a shy smile.

"There are other ways to do that too."

I said looking down at my lap to hide the blush that flared up on my cheeks. At that moment I was grateful he couldn't see me blush because of how dim my cabin was.

"Maybe I like this way better. Since it has no interruptions either."

"Oh, shut up.." I mumbled which made him chuckle in response.

We sat & talked about random things like how Mr. D had shut out the idea of us going on a potential search mission for Annie. Or the fact that we had to figure out how to win in capture the flag tomorrow.

Percy eventually told me about the dream he had about Annie, which was the reason he'd woken up in the first place.

I knew we'd have to do something about rescuing Annie by ourselves at some point. We just had to figure out how...

Forgot that I'm a writer..which is why I haven't updated😅


Hope u guys enjoy the chapter.😉

Until next time...👋🏻

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Alice signing off.

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