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You let a few uneventful days pass by before you took your first step- which was to steer your colleagues further away from cracking Utopia's code of communication by pointing them in a similar but totally opposite direction.

It was simple enough- creating notes from the past few attempts of the Cryptography Department, reading books and books of code and puzzles in your spare time which you would spend either in the lab or in the cafeteria, anywhere where you had eyes. You immersed yourself in codebreaking like your teammates but with your progress, you proved everyday that you were better than the others by a good margin.

It was to the point that even your colleagues like Kate, who had initially cared if you were eating well, stopped caring altogether- you could clearly handle yourself. However, as soon as they stopped, you made sure to slack on eating, to doze off while working or scratch your hair out in frustration when you came upon a dead end. That certainly prompted some of them to ask you to take a break, reminding you that a burdened mind would be no good here.

Yunho visited twice- once with confidential information that only Dr. Takashi had the privilege to hear, and the second time to 'glance' around, as he put it.

He fired two people that day.

You were standing by a window and recalling the events of that day when Yunho spotted you and joined.

"What are you looking at?"

"The sky's clear," you replied casually.

The sky is clear. No aircrafts. No smoke. No cries of the mourners filling the seemingly permanent darkness of the sky.

"I hope you weren't too surprised by the events of that day," he glanced at you and you wondered if he had read your mind. "You should have guessed by now that whenever I visit, I'm actually evaluating."

"I'm... not exactly surprised, I expected that," you laughed nervously, not meeting his eyes. "I've heard enough about you and your fellows from the Strategy Department. I'm just... wondering why Strategy holds the authority to do that. I thought the Head of Cryptography did that?"

"You're right," Yunho nodded. "But your Head of Department is far too busy for such meagre tasks. He lets us handle it. Why do you think we hold that authority?"

You looked at him this time. "Because every second is valuable, and you cannot afford to entertain people who're not contributing?"

"Something along those lines, but to be exact, we cannot afford the people who waste our resources. We're few in numbers but we need maximum output. And for that, we need people who do not slack, or who at least try. So my next question is, how much are you trying, Aurora?"

Your heart sank despite all the training you had done before arriving here. "I cannot be the judge of that."

"Exactly. You said you're not a bad strategist. I see potential in you, but so far I haven't seen output, Aurora. So if you at least want to stay in the Cryptography Department, I'll need to see something significant soon."

Asshole, you thought. You cleared your throat. "I do have this notion that I'm entertaining. I won't spill until I'm at least 51 percent sure, but I think it could turn the tide."

"Is that so?" Yunho raised a curious brow.

"I'm just trying my best... Sir."

Yunho laughed heartily at your sudden use of title and you almost glared daggers at him though his hearty laugh forced your lips to curve a bit. "I'm not pulling rank on you- that was not my intention. But... you keep working on that, okay? I'd like to hear what you're thinking, even if you're 49 percent sure."

Aurora | Jeong YunhoWhere stories live. Discover now