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Staring at Alex, I'm rocked to the core by the revelation that Poppy has just voiced. His recent rejection of Alice leaves only one conclusion: I am his second mate. The weight of that realization settles over me like a heavy shroud. Me? His second chance, mate. It's a concept I struggle to wrap my mind around, disbelief mingling with the years of longing for the day I would finally meet my mate. And yet, here he stands before me, the very man I've yearned for. But amidst the whirlwind of emotions, Poppy tells me she can still sense the raw pain of his recent rejection. My heart aches for him, empathy flooding my being.

In that fleeting moment, Alex slowly unwraps his arms from around my waist, creating a physical distance between us. I maintain my gaze, my eyes betraying the pity and compassion swirling within me.

Running my eyes over his form, I take in the sight of the white vest he wears, its fabric clinging to his muscular arms and offering a tantalizing glimpse of what lies beneath. Despite its thinness, the vest does little to conceal the sculpted contours of his abdomen, allowing me to catch a fleeting glimpse of the defined abs beneath the fabric.

Poppy's growl reverberates in my mind. Swallowing hard, I try to quell the sudden surge of heat that courses through me, fanning myself in a feeble attempt to cool the flush creeping up my cheeks. Alex exudes an undeniable allure, his presence commanding attention with every sculpted contour of his physique. It's a truth I can no longer deny.

As the heat intensifies, a playful banter ensues between Poppy and me, her teasing only serving to exacerbate my embarrassment. With a roll of my eyes, I silently acknowledge her jest, unwilling to let her remarks distract me from the intensity of the moment. My gaze drifts downward, drawn to the tantalizing sight of his lower waist adorned with sweatpants, before Alex' voice breaks through the haze, pulling my attention back to his face.

"I'm not denying what my wolf has claimed, but right now, I'm not in the mood to deal with it," Alex states, his voice carrying a weight of internal conflict. "You can leave now, and we'll talk about us being mates another day."

"Alright, no problem. I understand. I will leave," I respond softly, recognizing the magnitude of the situation he's grappling with. Last night, he faced the heart-wrenching task of rejecting his mate and girlfriend, only to discover today that I am his second-chance mate. It's undoubtedly a whirlwind of emotions for him to process, and I respect his need for space and time to navigate through it all.

As I begin to turn away, preparing to leave, Poppy suddenly stirs within me, attempting to seize control. Confusion washes over me as I address her, seeking clarity in her unexpected behavior. "What are you doing?"

"Doing what you couldn't," Poppy's voice echoes within my mind, a sharp retort laden with determination. I'm caught off guard, unprepared for her sudden assertion of control. Her takeover is swift and seamless.

"Poppy, whatever you're planning, stop. Right now isn't the time for games. Give me back control," I urge, my voice tinged with urgency as I push against her dominance, determined to regain command of my own body.

"You two are mates. I don't understand why you think he needs space from you. If anything, you should be the one with him right now in his darkest moments," Poppy interjects, her words challenging my perspective.

"Poppy, no. Sometimes, giving them space is the best way to show you care. Give me back control now!" Panic surges within me as I struggle against her dominance, desperately attempting to regain control.

Despite my earnest efforts to regain control, Poppy resists with formidable strength, her hold unyielding as she maintains her grip. The struggle intensifies, each moment fraught with tension as I push against her resistance, determined to reclaim command over my own body.

"What's going on?" Alex's sudden inquiry interrupts our internal struggle, pulling my attention away from the battle for control. His presence adds a new layer of complexity to the already tumultuous situation.

I feel Alex's hands on my arm; a surge of electricity courses through me, sparking a shared awareness between us. Our eyes meet, and I can sense the recognition in his gaze – we've just become mates, and our connection is heightened, making us acutely sensitive to each other's touch. But whether Alex is unaware or chooses to ignore this remains uncertain.

"I asked you a question," he presses on, his grip on my arm tightening, eliciting a reflexive moan from deep within me as a wave of desire washes over my senses. My eyes flutter shut, surprised by the involuntary response that escapes my lips.

Alex's own reaction doesn't go unnoticed; a small groan escapes him at the sound of my moan, amplifying the intensity of the moment. Alarm bells ring in my mind – this situation is becoming increasingly precarious. I need to regain control and leave before things escalate any further.

Attempting to wrestle control back from Poppy, I'm abruptly halted as her actions send shockwaves of disbelief through me. With deliberate movements, she pulls down the strap of my dress, causing it to pool at my feet, leaving me clad only in lingerie before Alex's intense gaze.

His eyes darken with lust as they roam over my exposed form, a primal hunger flickering in their depths. "Hannah," he growls, his fists clenching at his sides in a display of restraint, though I can sense the struggle within him. It takes every ounce of his self-control not to claim me right then and there.

But Poppy, relentless in her mischief, decides to escalate the situation further. Closing the distance between us, she guides my lips to his ear, her whispered words igniting a firestorm of desire within both of us. "I'm all yours," she murmurs, her words dripping with seduction.

Alex's reaction is immediate; he seizes mywaist, a dangerous glint in his eyes as a smirk plays across my lips. Panicsets in as I realize the gravity of Poppy's actions. "Poppy!" Iscream inwardly, a wave of frustration and fear washing over me. What the fuckhave you done now?

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