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I lock eyes with Alex, feeling the slow burn of lust igniting within me as his hands rest on my waist. My heart races with anticipation, wondering what will unfold next. But just as I'm lost in the moment, Poppy, in control of my body, moves slowly and deliberately, guiding Alex's hand to my breast.

A shiver runs down my spine as a soft moan escapes my lips. My eyes widen in shock at my own behavior, the realization of what's happening sinking in with each passing second.

"Poppy, stop this instant," I whisper-yell, my voice trembling with a mix of arousal and apprehension as I struggle against the overpowering urge to surrender to Alex's touch. The fire he ignites within me is undeniable, and I'm torn between the intoxicating pleasure and the need to resist.

But Poppy refuses to relent, her voice echoing in my mind with persistence.

"No, Hannah. You have longed for this day for so long," she insists, her words a reminder of the desires that have simmered beneath the surface for far too long.

"I have, but..." I begin, my words trailing off as uncertainty clouds my thoughts. I didn't know how to articulate the conflicting emotions swirling within me.

"No buts," Poppy interrupts, her tone firm. "You fell for Alex the moment you saw him. Now is your chance to fully have him. Use it."

Her words resonate within me, stirring a sense of determination that overrides my doubts. I don't continue to argue with her, carefully considering her words. Then, I realize she's right. The moon goddess has bestowed upon me a rare blessing—the opportunity to be Alex' second chance mate and to mate with him right now. Why should I hold back when he wasn't?

"Give me back control," I say, and Poppy doesn't hesitate to comply. With newfound determination, I take the initiative, leaning in to kiss Alex with a hunger that has been dormant for far too long. As our lips meet, I feel a surge of electricity pass between us as our lips touch. I tell myself that comforting Alex this way after rejecting Alice is the best course of action. With that resolve fueling my actions, I deepen the kiss, feeling the intensity between us escalate. My arms find their way around his neck, and I boldly push my tongue into his mouth, seeking a deeper connection.

Alex responds eagerly, his arms tightening around my waist as he pulls me closer, the heat between us nearly unbearable. His hand moves to my ass, and with a swift motion, he lifts me off the ground. I instinctively wrap my legs around his waist, feeling the strength of his embrace.

As his lips leave mine and trail down to my neck, a shiver of anticipation courses through me. Alex rain kisses all over my neck and shoulder, igniting a fire within me that burns with an insatiable desire. With each kiss, pleasure washes over me, building to an intensity I've never experienced before.

I arch my back in response, offering myself to him completely, my body trembling with anticipation. Everywhere his lips touch, I ache for more, craving the intoxicating sensation of his touch. In this moment, all I want is for him to take me, to lose myself completely in the passion that consumes us both.

He gently sets me down on the bed before pulling away to remove his vest, giving me a moment to admire his incredible chest. My eyes widen in awe as I gaze at the sculpted muscles before me. Emboldened by my suppressed hunger for him, I allow my instincts to guide me.

Leaning forward, I let my tongue trail across his chest, savoring the taste of his skin as I move with deliberate slowness. With each lick, I explore every inch of his four abs, reveling in the low rumble of Alex's chest as he groans in response. A smile tugs at my lips, pleased to ignite such a reaction from him.

Pulling my mouth away, I slowly lift my dress off my body, feeling a surge of confidence as Alex' hungry gaze lingers on me. His eyes devour me with hunger, and I revel in the knowledge that he likes what he sees.

"Mine," he growls possessively, his hands gripping my waist as he pulls me close. Without hesitation, he captures my lips in a searing kiss, his hunger matching my own.

His hands deftly remove my bra strap, freeing my breasts, and I gasp as his lips trail down to take one into his mouth, sucking hard. Pleasure courses through me, and I roll my eyes back in ecstasy as he lavishes attention on me.

"Mmm... Alex," I moan, arching my back, urging him to continue. He eagerly switches to my other breast, his movements skilled and deliberate as he alternates between sucking and nipping on my nipples.

With a trail of kisses, Alex moves down my body, his lips leaving a scorching trail until he reaches my core. I gasp in anticipation, feeling the wetness pooling between my legs as he draws closer. With a swift motion, he removes my underwear, leaving me throbbing with need.

He pushes me back on the bed and positions his mouth between my legs, and anticipation becomes almost unbearable. With a hunger that matches my own, Alex is poised to take me to new heights of pleasure, and I eagerly await the moment.

"Alex," I moan, my fingers curling tightly around the sheets as he takes me into his mouth, sucking hard. Waves of pleasure ripple through me as his mouth dances over my clit, his tongue thrusting in and out of me with expert precision.

"Fuck me!" I cry out, my voice filled with need as my eyes roll back in ecstasy.

"You taste fucking amazing," he murmurs against my core, his words sending shivers down my spine as he continues to bring me pleasure like I've never felt before.

His tongue works magic on my core, and before I know it, I feel my release building. But just as I'm on the brink of ecstasy, Alex pulls away, lifting his head to reveal my juices glistening on his chin.

"Amazing," he says, licking his lips clean of my essence. My heart races at his actions, a smile spreading across my face in response.

With swift movements, Alex removes his sweatpants and boxers, his member standing erect and proud before me. The site has my core pooling with even more wetness as he moves back to me, flipping me over and lifting my ass in the air.

I part my lips to tell him I'm a virgin and he should take it slow, but can't a wince escape my lips instead. Alex enters me in one swift motion, filling me completely. Pain shoots through my core. Alex must've realized as his thrusts begin slow, allowing me to adjust to the sensation of him being inside me. Gradually, the pain fades, replaced by a blissful wave of pleasure that washes over me.

"Oh God!" I moan, my toes curling as pleasure courses through every fiber of my being. Alex responds by smacking my ass, increasing his pace with each thrust.

"No God here, just fucking me," he growls, his hand wrapping around my neck as he moves faster, slamming into me with relentless intensity. Pleasure builds within me, my release on the brink of exploding.

"Alex, I'm close," I manage to gasp out, feeling the pressure building in my back. With a few more thrusts, my core clenches around his member, and I'm consumed by a powerful climax that leaves me breathless and trembling.

Alex continues to thrust, his own release imminent. I wait anxiously, hoping he'll mark me or even call my name as he nears his peak.

"Fuck, your pussy was made for me," he groans, his words sending a thrill through me even as he doesn't utter my name. With one final thrust, he finds his release, his warm essence filling me as it runs down my thighs.

Alex slowly pulls out of me and lies down on the bed. I follow suit, settling down beside him. With a tentative motion, I reach out to lie on his chest, seeking comfort in his embrace. But before I can, Alex turns away, giving me his back. A pang of hurt shoots through my chest at his actions, the rejection weighing heavily on me.

He throws the covers over my body without a word, still refusing to acknowledge me. The sadness I feel in that moment is overwhelming, and I bite my lip to stifle a sob. Does he regret sleeping with me already? The thought tears at my heart, and tears prick at the corners of my eyes. I swallow back the lump in my throat, struggling to understand why he's shutting me out.

Wrapping my arms around myself, I curl into a ball, feeling more alone than ever beside him. I also feel foolish for hoping for more. I curse myself for being so naive, for thinking that having sex with him automatically makes us a couple.

In the darkness of the room, I listen to the sound of his steady breathing, each exhale a reminder of the gulf that now lies between us. I silently cry myself to sleep, wondering where we stand now.

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