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We arrive at the venue, and the atmosphere is buzzing with werewolves from all corners of the country. It's no surprise, as parties hosted by the Sky Pack triplets are not to be missed. They are the heirs to the most powerful pack, considered by many as the royal family of the werewolf kingdom, and the triplets themselves are regarded as princes.

Mom and Dad step out first, followed by Alice, who receives assistance from two hands that belong to Cameron and Lorenzo, two of the triplets. Cameron, with jet-black hair and piercing blue eyes, glares at me, while Lorenzo, sporting a similar look, is equally unfriendly. Both have ripped biceps that catch the attention of many she-wolves. The triplets have always been hostile towards me, and I can't figure out why. I don't recall doing anything to provoke their animosity.

"Hannah," Alice calls, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Yes," I reply, and she grabs my hand, leading me a few feet away from Cameron and Lorenzo. I look at her in confusion.

"I know Mom and Dad said we should stick together at the party, but unfortunately, Cameron and Lorenzo don't want to be around you. Please understand and enjoy the party alone. I'm very sorry, sis."

I freeze, unable to believe what she just said, and the fact that she added an apology.

"I promise, once I see one of your friends, I will ask them to come and meet you," she adds as I stare at her in bewilderment.

"Friends?" I question, recalling the last time I ever called someone that was months before she arrived.


"No problem. I will be fine on my own."

She abruptly pulls me into a hug. "Muah," she kisses the air, as I turn my cheek away before she can land one on it. "I love you. See you later."

She pulls away and runs over to where Cameron and Lorenzo are waiting for her. I watch her with a bitter feeling in my heart and, if I'm honest, a twinge of jealousy. I envy the fact that she has friends who welcomed her as she arrived.

"Don't let that bitch make you feel bad," Poppy says, fluttering into my mind. "You're an amazing person, and anyone would be lucky to have you as a friend. Too bad all the people around us are too dumb to see that."

"Thank you, Poppy," I say, a small smile tugging at my face. She always manages to make me feel better.

I make my way to the entrance of the ballroom. As I approach, the band ceases playing, and a spotlight illuminates the stage. It's evident that an important figure is about to make an entrance. My steps quicken, joining the crowd as it inches closer to catch a glimpse of the arrival. My breath catches in my throat seeing him stepping forward to address the gathering. The owner of my heart Alex King.

He expresses gratitude for everyone's presence. His aura radiated authority, and even from a distance, the power of an Alpha exuded from him. His features were like those crafted by the gods themselves, a face that left no room for imperfections. His jet-black hair was sleeked back, allowing every contour of his chiseled jaw to be on full display. His straight nose and red lips add to the perfection.

His captivating green eyes, distinct from his brothers', lock onto mine for a fleeting moment. I hold my breath, unable to tear my gaze away, though he looks away quickly. As he leaves the stage, searching for someone, I wonder who has caught his attention.

The entire ballroom buzzes with admiration for him, murmuring about how he helps his father well in handling pack affairs. Some even speculate that he will be the one to inherit the Alpha title among his brother after his father pass and might surpass his legacy. Being the eldest among the triplets, he is more likely to take over after their father.

However, a comment from someone nearby shatters my reverie, and my shoulders slump.

"I bet Alice is their mate; she was already perfect for them, another perfect match," the person says, echoing my earlier worries. The world seems to have already accepted Alice as their destined mate. Even though it hasn't been confirmed, my heart aches at the realization.

My thoughts are abruptly interrupted as I sense a pair of eyes on me. I look ahead, and my eyes widen – it's him again. Alex, the eldest of the triplets, is staring at me. He's walking toward me, and I swallow hard as panic sets in. Why is he coming towards me? Has he finally noticed me after all these years?

As he approaches, the scent of sandalwood fills my nose, and my heart pounds impatiently. I wait anxiously for him to reach me, my hope soaring. However, my heart breaks as he walks past me, heading towards the person behind me. I spin around to see who it is, and if possible, my heart shatters even more. Alex passionately kisses Alice in front of everyone, disregarding the onlookers. It's evident that he wants everyone to know Alice is his.

They pull away, and Alice notices me. A big smile spreads across her face, her eyes dancing with delight. Alex looks at her with admiration, and my heart clenches. I turn away, feeling tears sting the back of my eyes.

Today feels worse than any day Alice came home to tell me about her dates with the triplets. Those moments couldn't even compare, as I always left the room once she began to talk. But tonight, all I can do is stare and get my heart broken.

A part of me wonders if Alice approached Alex because of me, remembering the smile on her face. I never told her I loved him, but the timing aligns with when I began to develop feelings for him at the age of 14. She got close to him and his brother during that time. I brush the thought away, deeming it useless, as once my mate is revealed, it won't matter. She can have them for all I care. I tell myself this to feel better.

I moved away from them, seeking a quiet spot to pass the time while I waited. I browsed through Pinterest, looking at styles for my next sewing project. I also watched a few sewing videos on YouTube to occupy myself.

The cheering of people inside the hall shifted my attention from my phone. Curiosity getting the better of me, I rushed inside to see what was going on. I froze as I stepped inside, my phone slipping from my hand and hitting the ground hard. The triplets' eyes were red, and they were all staring at Alice. She's their mate. Alice's their fucking mate.

They move to claim her, their expressions clouded with desire and possessiveness. However, a mysterious figure intervened, blocking their path with an authority that silenced the crowd. My brows furrowed in confusion. Who's that?

The man speaks to the triplets in hushed tones. My gaze darts between the triplets and the older man, noting the striking resemblance in their face and physic. It dawns on me that he must be their father, the Alpha of the Sky Pack. The triplets take one look at Alice before moving to exit the hall. My shock intensifies. Whatever he told them made them stop approaching Alice and leave. The man turns to face me, and I met the intense gaze of eyes identical to Alex'. A realization struck me – he is indeed their father, the Alpha George.

He continues to gaze at me, and scan the surroundings, half-expecting to find another subject of his attention nearby. To my surprise, the focus remains on me, and a sense of unease settled in.

As the tension lingers, a woman approaches me, her presence commanding attention. She bore an air of authority and sophistication, and it became apparent that she was the Alpha's mate – the Luna Marley.

"Come with us, dear," the Luna said with a gentle yet firm tone, gesturing for me to join them.

"Why?" I question, a swirl of confusion marring my features as the Luna insists on our departure from the chaotic ballroom.

"We can't talk here, just come with me," she insists, her urgency adding to my confusion.

"We are the Alpha and Luna of this pack. We just want to talk, dear," the man, whom I deduce is the father of the triplets, asserts as he joins the conversation.

I take another look at the woman and notice the resemblance she shares with Cameron and Lorenzo.

"Okay," I agree, deciding to follow them, curiosity getting the best of me.

"Thank you," the Luna expresses her gratitude, leading the way, and my heart pounds with every step.

As we navigate through the corridors, I wonderwhat prompts this secretive discussion and why the urgency to distanceourselves from the prying eyes of the ballroom.

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