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With a gentle thud, I close the car door, my eyes lifting to behold the grandeur of the Sky Packhouse. The sheer magnificence of the colossal mansion, designed to house thousands of werewolves, stands as a testament to the power of the pack. Werewolves move purposefully in and out, already bustling with activity in the early hours. As I turn around, the car purrs to life behind me, and I watch my parents drive away without a farewell. A pang of hurt clenches my heart.

The memory of last night's conversation with my mom about the impending photo shoot with Alex and the forced marriage resurfaces. The tears well up as I ponder if they couldn't see the pain this loveless marriage would inflict. I understand the duty to my pack, but sacrificing my happiness seems an exorbitant price to pay. The realization that my parents don't perceive it that way stings deeply.

Releasing a breath, I shake my head, deciding to proceed with what brought me here. As I approach, I step inside the grand house. Luna Marley stands at the entrance, and upon spotting me, a warm smile graces her lips. She opens her arms wide, inviting me into a hug. While her kindness feels unusual, I accept it gratefully.

"Good morning, Luna Marley," I greet, embracing her warmly.

"How are you doing today, dear?" Her smile radiates kindness as she pulls away.

"Good," I lie through my teeth, concealing the turmoil in my heart that no one seems to care about.

"That's nice to hear. Come, let's go inside," she suggests, intertwining our arms and leading us into the house.

As we navigate the expansive halls of the pack's residence in silence, my internal struggle weighs heavily. Eventually, I can't contain the weight any longer.

"Do I really have to be the one to marry Alex?" I question, fully aware of the likely futility in persistently suggesting my sister, yet compelled to voice my concerns nonetheless.

"Don't you love Alex?" Luna Marley asks, catching me off guard. I stare at her in shock, wondering how she found out. I've never confided in anyone, making her knowledge all the more surprising.

"I don't," I respond after a prolonged moment, but the smile on her face suggests she sees through my attempt to mask the truth.

"Did you know he rejected Alice last night?" she discloses.

"He did?" I inquire, startled by the revelation and filled with concern for how Alex must be coping. The pain of rejection is intense, and I can only imagine the turmoil he's experiencing right now.

"Alex understands how important this marriage alliance is for his pack." Luna Marley's words echo in the corridor as we come to a stop in front of a door on the fifth floor. She turns to face me, her fingers gently enveloping mine. "I hope you have the same understanding and try to win his heart."

With that, she lets go, leaving me standing alone in front of the mysterious door. A whirlwind of thoughts races through my mind, wondering about Alex and the fragile state he might be in. The desire to check on him overwhelms all other thoughts, prompting me to halt Luna Marley before she disappears down the corridor.

"Where is he?" I question a hint of urgency in my voice.

"Right through that door," Luna replies, gesturing toward the door before me and continuing on her way, leaving me with the unspoken gravity of her words.

Quickly closing the gap to the door, I knock, but there's no answer. I knock again, feeling a sense of nervous anticipation building up within me. Just as I consider knocking once more, a breeze blows, and the door shifts open. It must have been unlocked all along, my distracted mind failing to notice. The urge to see Alex overpowers any hesitation, and I push the door open further, stepping in.

The room is shrouded in darkness, the blinds drawn tightly shut, creating an illusion of nighttime despite the daylight outside. The silence hangs heavily, and I make an effort not to linger on the thought that I could be the last person he wants to see at this moment. Ignoring those thoughts, I cautiously enter the pitch-black room, allowing my eyes to adjust to the dim light.

The rich and robust scent of sandalwood fills my nostrils, a familiar scent that usually accompanies the presence of Alex. Yet, there's an unusual intensity and allure to his fragrance at this moment, almost as if the essence of it has taken on a new depth, captivating me in a way I hadn't experienced before. Poppy reacts with an inexplicable howl within the recesses of my mind. A perplexed frown etches its way between my brows. Something was off right now.

With cautious steps, I venture further into the room, the dim light making it challenging to see. Suddenly, I collide with something on the floor, my heart racing as I almost lose my balance. I curse silently, regretting not switching my eyes to my werewolf ones. Anticipating the impending impact with the ground, I brace myself, wincing in readiness.

But, just before I hit the floor, strong arms wrap around my waist, preventing the fall. An intoxicating wave of sandalwood envelops me, robbing me of my senses. Poppy howls louder in my head. I'm paralyzed, wide-eyed, as I meet the gaze of the person who saved me. His beautiful green eyes mirror my own shock.

The word tumbles from both our lips simultaneously, a revelation that hangs in the air like an unspoken truth. "Mate."

In that moment, we stand there, wrapped aroundeach other, eyes wide with astonishment, the weight of the word"mate" hanging between us.

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