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I lean against a tree, arms crossed, positioned a few feet away from the pack house where the ballroom is located, waiting for Alice. Our pack house, nestled in the heart of the woods, is surrounded by tall trees, emphasizing our close connection to nature as werewolves. Although the night is young, I couldn't care less for its beauty. My mood is so sour that I can't even appreciate the starry night sky, with the moon shining brightly. I sent an omega to call her. My gaze fixates on a solitary stone beneath my feet, the minutes ticking away with excruciating slowness. The relentless howls of my wolf echo in my mind, a storm of conflicting emotions urging me to reconsider my decision with every passing moment of Alice's impending arrival. I truly wish I could, but the past hour has shown me I couldn't.

I thrust myself away from the tree as the unmistakable scent of Alice wafts through the air. As she materializes before me, she wastes no time, throwing her arms around me in a gesture filled with warmth and familiarity. The temptation to reciprocate, to let my hands find solace around her waist, is overpowering. Yet, with a deliberate act of will, I forcibly retract my hands, fully aware that surrendering to the allure of that touch would only make things more difficult.

"I missed you, baby," she whispers, planting a tender kiss on my cheek. I shut my eyes briefly, a soft, involuntary moan escaping my throat. How can I reject someone so perfectly meant for me?

Alice's hands shift, enveloping my neck, and she leans in for a kiss. Swiftly, I turn my face away, denying the warmth of her lips against mine.

"Alice," I say, my hand gently resting on her arm as I pull her away, her confusion evident in her gaze.

"Is something wrong, baby?" she inquires, scanning my face with concern.

"Nothing is wrong," I assure her, a heavy sigh escaping me as I lock eyes with my mate.

"I need to reject you," I confess, the weight of my words hanging in the air. Alice freezes against me, her eyes widening in shock.

"I'm sorry," I add a pang in my chest at witnessing her hurt, yet knowing I have no choice.

"It's because of Hannah, isn't it? You're rejecting me because of her," she says, her voice breaking, tears welling up in her eyes.

I maintain silence, reluctant to inflict more pain. Alice has already suffered enough because of Hannah, and there's no need for her to carry the burden of being the reason why she can't be with me. The unspoken truth lingers between us, a heavy cloud of sorrow enveloping our shared gaze.

"What did she say about me? I can swear to you they are all lies. She just wishes to steal you from me; that's why she will make up things and say I did them to her." Now she was crying, full tears rolling down her cheeks. My heart clenches in my chest. I hate seeing her like this. My hands itch to clean her tears, but I force them to remain, tightening my grip on her arm. It wouldn't do us any good if I was consoling her affectedly before rejecting her.

"What did she say about me? I can swear to you they are all lies; she just wishes to steal you from me. That's why she will make up things and say I did them to her," Alice pleads, tears streaming down her cheeks. A painful knot tightens in my chest at the sight of her distress. I resist the urge to wipe away her tears, maintaining a firm grip on her arm. Consoling her would only complicate the impending rejection.

"No, this was all my decision, and Hannah didn't say anything horrible about you," I assert.

"Then why?" Alice demands, fresh tears cascading down her face.

"I can't go into details, but just know it has more to do with taking responsibility as the firstborn and future heir of my pack."

"So, I was right. It's because of her. You are marrying her for the pack. I can't believe this," Alice pulls away, running her hands through her hair, shaking her head. Fuck! This is the last thing I wanted.

I move toward her to offer comfort, reaching for her arm, but Alice turns back around to face me before I can make contact.

"Hasn't she stolen enough from me? Is it my fault I'm just the adopted daughter of the Alpha and not a real one? Tell me, Alex, is it fair for me, who loves you, to get pushed to the side like this?" she implores, her voice laden with hurt. I find myself speechless, grappling with the inability to offer solace in this moment.

She sniffles and continues, "It's alright, I understand. The universe favors her more than me, and I also understand why you are doing this. You are the future heir, and it's your responsibility to put the pack first." The resignation in her voice echoes through the space, leaving a bitter taste of heartbreak lingering in the air.

She inhales deeply, locking eyes with me. "Do it."

"Alice..." I falter, a conflict between what I want to do and what I must do.

"Now, please," she pleads, her voice cracking, tears welling in her eyes. I gaze at her, desperately longing to pull her close and reassure her, but I know better than to do that right now.

With a heavy exhale, I meet her eyes and part my lips to speak the words that will sever our connection.

"I, Alex Stone, future Alpha of the Sky Pack, reject Alice Kinsely as my mate and future Luna."

"I accept," she utters, turning away abruptly, collapsing to the ground in a torrent of sobs. My heart constricts painfully, and my wolf howls in agony. I clench my fists, grappling with the aftermath of rejecting a mate. I couldn't fathom the depth of pain Alice was experiencing at this very moment.

A futile urge to touch her washes over me, but I restrain myself, sending a quick mind link to my brothers to come to be with her. I steal one last glance at her, the image etching itself into my memory, before turning away and retracing my steps to the ballroom. This must be the worst day of my life. In this moment, I yearn for the night to end, putting an end to the torment that shadows what was meant to be a joyous occasion.

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