Was it really?

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Waking up, rubbing my eyes I looked around my lightly lit room. " it's was just a dream" I sighed to myself for even thinking about it again. Getting out of bed I decide I wanted to go on a run, it was a good way for me to relax and release any stress or anxiety I was having. Going to my closet I pulled on some black Nike leggings and a matching black sports bra. Grabbing my shoes I slipped them on throwing my hair up in a messy bun. I put on my arm sleeve my phone went into and walked out side of the house. The chili morning air hit my bare arm, the smell of rain freshly in the air still.
   Running thru the beach taking in the amazing sight of the water slowly moving, I stopped in my tracks. Something felt weird, the hair on my neck and arms raised. Looking around I landed my eyes on him. He had on some black shorts and no shirt on. His abs was the first thing I noticed and all I could think about was back to my dream. Did he feel the same way? Did he even like me like that? Shaking my head if the thoughts I started to run again acting like I didn't even notice him. Really I just didn't want him ti see the redness on my cheeks. And after my dream I'm not sure I can keep my words together at the moment.
Walking into my house my phone went off. Seeing a text from Nola.
"Hey girlie!! Wanna go out tonight?:)"
" what you wanna do?";p
" there's this little party happing on the beach, not big but most likely will be fun:)"
" alright meet me at min around 7!;p"
Throwing my phone on my bed I realized I haven't heard from gran. I wonder if she is alright? I thought while grabbing a over sized T-shirt, some clean underwear, and some shorts. Getting in the shower I let the steaming hot water fall down my body. Wondering if he was gonna be there tonight, I got out of the shower brushed my teeth and hair and got changed.
I started school tomorrow but since it's my senior year I can do my last 2 classes online. Pulling out my Chromebook to see if they downloaded yet so I could get a head start. My English class has but not my math.
(Clicking on the first assignment)
Give a small essay about your life. This will be due at the end of the year. It is worth 50% of your grade. Note, I will not be judging you on what your write, I will be looking for a grammar problems, and so forth!
Not wanting to start it yet I shut my chrome book. Hearing my stomach make noises I realized that I haven't ate nothing yet. Grabbing my phone I called Pizza Hut and order a small pan tossed double cheese extra pepperoni with mushrooms and black olives pizza with a small order of bread sticks.
Waking up groaning in pain at my now hard privacy "God I want her" I signed to myself. Was it really just a dream? I have never had a dream feel so real in my life. Throwing the blanket off of me I get a call from Asher.
Hey bro I'm throwing a party tonight at the beach you going?"
" since when do I miss out on a party?"
"Right, alright well meet me at the beach in 30 to help pick out a spot. Cops are out so I don't wanna get busted!"
Alright let me grab some shorts be There in a bit"
Hanging up the phone I grab some different shorts and my shoes, and start heading to the beach. Jumping in my truck and starting it, the window's already down, my phone automatically connects. I make it to the beach in about 25 mins waiting for Asher to pull up next to me, finding Nola's contact and pressing text message.
" hey party tonight at the beach bring who you want"
"Ok! Do you care if I bring Grace? Yk since she saw your breakout last night?"
"Idc, I'll go to her house and talk to her about it, I'll just say I was drunk. Do not be telling her anything else Nola, I mean it she is a full human she don't know anything yet!"
" ok, ok. Calm down I won't say anything but make sure your friends know not to lay there nasty paws on her!"
"Ok I'm picking y'all up"
Hearing Asher pull up next to me we got out of our vehicles and walked up to a pretty good spot Ik from last year's party I threw. Putting together the wood and grabbing the ice chest out of the back of my truck. Ashes started to open all the beer boxes and put it in the ice chest throwing ice over it we shut it and put it back in the back of my truck.
Heading home to take a shower and getting ready Nola texted me about 3 hours ago telling me to pick her and Grace up at 7 at graces house. It was around 6:20 so I decided I was gonna go ahead and head over to graces, throwing on some swim shorts and a hoodie I grabbed my phone and walked out side. Pulling up to graces house I could see her up in her room. Walking in the house "grace" I yelled. " yea who is here" she yelled back while I heard her door open. "Just me baby" I yelled back knowing she was already blushing by me calling her baby.
Sitting down in the living room I heard her walk into the kitchen. " where Nola at she said she would be here to pick me up?" She said while peaking her head around the corner so I could hear her. Keeping my head looking at my phone remembering the dream I had last night " yea I'm taking yall" I said with a deep voice trying to get her naked body out of my brain. Hearing her phone start going off she picks it up. " hey gran! Where you at?" She asked looking out the windows above the sink. Getting off the couch heading to the kitchen. She was wearing an oversized shirt and some booty short. Her ass check we're barley peaking thru from her having her shirt pulled up a tiny bit.all I wanted was to feel her. I wanted to feel her so bad.

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