Awesome Trio

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Mathias saw you as you read a manga at the library. He watched as you occasionally giggled at a funny part. A blush dusted his cheeks as he took a deep breath. Gulping he decided to take a chance and talk to you. His heart beat sped up at each step he took closer to you.

"Hey -"

Suddenly Alfred popped up in front of him and blocked his view of you. He frowned a bit at the rude interruption. Alfred grinned and laughed loudly.

"Hey Mathias! How's it going!? It been a while since the awesome trio came together! HAHAHA!"

Mathias looked around Alfred and saw that you were gone from your seat. Looking past Alfred's head he saw you heading towards the library exit. Sighing sadly he looked at your retreating figure. Alfred stopped babbling on and on about the trio and studied Mathias' expression.

"Hey dude, what's wrong? Did I bother you at a wrong time?"

Shrugging and looking at the seat you were once at, he answered Alfred.

"You kind of did. I was trying to talk to-"

"Oh you mean you were trying to talk to _____! HAHAHA! I didn't know."

"I would have told you if would have been quiet for a second! Now she left already."


Suddenly Gilbert appeared behind Mathias with a grin on his face. Mathias jumped a bit at his sudden appearance. Alfred. on the other hand, laughed like he usually did and waved to Gilbert.

"Dude, what's up!"

Wrapping an arm around Mathias' shoulder, Gilbert laughed his signature laugh.

"I over heard Mathias and his 'love' issues, and I zhink mien awesomeness can help~"

Mathias looked at Gilbert with hope in his eyes.

"Are you serious?! Thanks Gil!"

Alfred looked from Mathias to Gilbert then just noticed something.

"Oh! Mathias likes _____!?"

The two looked at Alfred with an are-you-serious look. Alfred laughed his heroic laugh as he wrapped his arm around Mathias' other shoulder.

"The hero will help you out! No need to worry, dude!"

Mathias grinned at the two and wrapped his arms around them in a group hug.

"The Awesome Trio is back!"

Gilbert smirked.

"And ve're going to help mein friend Mathias,"

Alfred then continued.

"With our awesomeness!"

The three cheered as they made their way to the library exit to start their mission. When they went outside, they walked around trying their hardest to find you. They searched the clothes stores. The grocery store. And even McDonalds (recommended by Alfred) But they could not find you.

"How could she NOT be at McD's! Who wouldn't go to McDonalds!?"

Alfred stated as the three walked out of McDonalds, Alfred holding bags and bags of hamburgers. Mathias sighed, almost giving up hope.

"It's no use guys, she's already gone home."

"Und zhat's a BAD thing! Ve can definitely get her zhere! Guts zhinking Mathias!"

The three quickly made thee way to your house. Alfred made sure he didn't drop a single burger as he ran. When the three arrived at your house, they spotted you sitting out side under a tree. You had a pile of manga next to you and one in your hand. Gilbert laughed at seeing Mathias was right.

"Kesese~ so Mathias vas right?"

They watched as you turned a page in your book. Mathias felt his heart beating out of his chest at seeing you sitting there. Turning to the two, he gives them a determined look.

"Ok! I'll go talk to her! Wish me luck."

Alfred and Gilbert patted him on the shoulder for good luck before he left. As he walked he tried to prepare what he was going to say in his head. 'I should have figured out what to say before! Stupid!' Mathias thought to himself as he walked over to you.

"H-Hey __-_____!"

'Stop stuttering!' Mathias told himself. You looked up and smiled happily at him.

"Hey Mathias! What are you doing here?"

'What am I doing here? I can't tell her I'm here to confess my love! That would be too weird.' Mathias thought as he started to blush madly.

"I-I was just.... A-around the area! Yea that's it! So I-I came to visit you!"

Mathias felt his palms get sweaty at how much he's stuttering and messing up his sentences. You closed your manga and motioned him to sit next to you.

"Come sit, I want to tell you something."

Mathias' blush got even redder at knowing you wanted to tell HIM something. Something that only HE is allowed to know. Quickly he sat down next to you, trying to act as casual as possible. Taking a deep breath he tried to calm himself down.

"What is it you want to tell me?"

'Yes!' He cheered in his head at how he didn't mess up the sentence. You looked down at your hands and started to fiddle with the book in your hands.

"I was wondering.... D-Do you like anyone? I mean, it's just a random, out of the blue, question! No real reason I'm asking!"

Mathias blushes then laughs loudly. You look at him confused at what was so funny.

"W-What's so funny!?"

Mathias stops laughing and faces you. You look back at him, still confused. Mathias took in a deep breath before speaking.

"I like someone. Do you want to know who it is?"

You nod, wanting so desperately to know who the person was. Mathias blushed madly then leaned forward, pecking your lips.


You sat there shocked. Next thing you knew you were hugging him around his neck and kissing him. Slowly releasing the kiss you look into his eyes.

"I like you too Mathias."

When the two of you were about to go in for another kiss you hear whistles from nearby. The two of you look up and spot Alfred as Gilbert calling out to you two.

"Go Mathias go!"

Alfred called as he ate a hamburger. Gilbert laughed his laugh.

"Kesese~ awesome job Mathias! You vouldn't have been able to do it vithout us!"

You blush as Mathias laughs, holding you close.


HERRO EVERYONE! I wanted to do one with the Awesome Trio instead of the other Nordics. I don't know, I wanted to switch it up a bit ;) Hope you liked it!



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