I like you, I love you

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You hop on a few snow covered steps down the long stone stairs near your school. The lightly layered snow has fallen only a few hours before you left class for the day, so it was almost completely untouched. Hopping down step by step, you try to keep your balance on one leg while doing so. You did not know why but this kind of weather made you pretty happy. There was no bitter winter winds or blizzards of snow falling from the sky above. All there was, was an amazingly soft ray of sun shining off the snow and making it sparkle. It all gave off a very magical feel and it made you even happier.

The only thing you wish would make it better was if you could share this treasure with someone. A friend or a stranger would be lovely. You just want to spread this happiness with someone other than yourself. Maybe you might crash into a new friend of yours, Mathias. He seems to like the tiny things in life, just like you. Not to mention he loves to throw snowballs and what not. Who did not like snowball fights?

You felt the light blush appear on your cheeks as you thought of Mathias. Stopped at a step, you shake your head and sigh. Suddenly your mood went a little south, just slightly, at remembering something important. You remember that you overheard Mathias' friend, Gilbert , say something about him not being able to keep a girl off his mind. It kind of broke your heart a bit. You did not know why because he barely knew your favorite color, let alone your real self. You were the kind of person who would shy off a bit when talking to a new person. The two of you only knew each other for about three days but you managed to form feelings for him.

"Is it wrong to fall in love with someone who you know basically nothing about?" You ask yourself again for the seventh time today. It felt wrong to love without knowing the true person, but somehow it felt so right. For some reason it felt like you two have been friends forever but you just don't remember. You stare up at the small white cloud floating across the sky as you thought, "what if I do know him...." You shook your head, quickly kicking the thought out of your head, "yeah, like that would actually happen. Only happens in movies."

As you started to run down the remaining fifteen steps, you try to ignore your feelings for him and force them out. "No way I can love him. I don't have a chance anyw-" your thought was interrupted when you miss a step and start rolling quickly down the remaining eleven steps. Snow flung in your face as you tried your best to use your arms to protect your head from injury. You felt your back and sides hit and smash against the snowy steps. As you roll you notice someone walking in front of the steps. With a quick maneuver of your knee and left elbow you manage to turn the direction of your roll right for the person. 'Sorry 'bout this stranger but I don't need a concussion,' you thought as your rolled up body unravels as you hit the third to last step. Opening your eyes for a second you watch, almost if in slow motion, the expression on the mans face change to fear as he faces you. Holding his hands out in front of him you just realize who this "stranger" was.

"WATCH O-!" you manage to scream before your face smashes against his black coat. You felt his body fall to the ground with you as he cushions your crash. A loud thud of his heavy body hitting the ground echoes in your ear as your face remains buried in his coat. You two lay there for a while, getting the wind back in you. Slowly lifting yourself from him you shake your head, only giving you a wonderful new headache to add to your body pains. Blinking a few times to get rid of the snow flakes on your eyelashes, you look over to see the stranger laying there out cold. Your eyes made you see him spinning around and look very blurry.

"Why does he look so familiar?" You ask yourself as you stare at his face. Gradually you start to remember where you have seen him before. As the blur figure became more clear your eyes widen in horror. It was Mathias. "Holy crap!" you yell before jumping off of him and crawling closer to his head. You put a hand on his shoulder and shake him slowly. "H-Hey wake up! Are you ok? Please don't be dead! I don't know how to deal with that," you spoke rapidly as if on a timer. He did not answer, let alone move his eyelids. You felt yourself begin to panic as his body remains motionless.

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