Stop Asking Questions!

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The student lounge was jam packed with all the college freshman and several upperclassman, meaning you were there too amongst the hungry newbies. You sat at an empty table in front of an opened window with your home made lunch looking up at you from the table. It was literally looking up at you though. Your roommate thought it would be a good idea to get rid of all your satisfying afternoon meals and replace them with a whole fish. She has done some crazy things to your room but messing with the food almost caused you to flip out, but you didn't 'cause getting mad over food is so pointless. Besides, all she wanted was to make herself feel more at home, since she always ate a whole fish -with the eyes and all- back at her place. You did not eat the entire fish like her, but you are always open to new things so it's not too painful -just wish it didn't smell so much when she cooked it.

A sigh left your lips as you stared out the window at a bird's nest in a nearby tree. Crap, why can't I get him out of my head? You questioned yourself for the fourteenth time today, do I like him? Probably. Great, another crush that will lead to a non-confession in the end. "Hey ____! Yo, you don't look so good, you 'ight?" a familiar voice called to you. Being pulled from your thoughts you look up to see your upperclassman Alfred. Alfred is a member of the small Freedom club that was well know for its random protest marches around the campus -mostly about the homework and stupid stuff. You ended up joining just because your roommate thought it would help you become more outgoing.

"Hm? Naw I'm ok, just got something on my mind is all," you grumble as Alfred takes a seat across from you. "What'cha thinking about?" he asked, sounding as happy as ever. "It's just-" you pause as your eyes are hooked onto the reason for your sighing. Matthias -the really outgoing and nice upperclassman that was super popular with everybody- was the guy on your mind. Your eyes followed him as he walked past the table to a vending machine. Alfred traced an invisible line from you to Mathias and made an obnoxiously loud "ooooh" sound before turning to the man catching your eyes. "Hey, dude! Mathias! Yooo," Alfred said before the Danish guy turned around, a bag of skittles in his hands. "Hey Al! What do you need?" he cheered as he walked to Alfred and smacked him hard on the back. Unfazed by the loud slap to his back, he spoke without fail, "want to eat with us?" Wh-What is he doing?! you scream in your head. Alfred glanced over at you before he got a reply, "sure! All the tables are full anyway, thanks a lot!"

Mathias took a seat at the foldable chair, next to Alfred, and ripped open his skittle bag, some catapulted towards you. You watch as three red, orange, and yellow skittles spun on the table before finally stopping. "Oh, sorry 'bout that ____," Mathias chuckled as he reached over and scooped up the table skittles and dropped them in his mouth. You found yourself staring at the skittle bag in an attempt to avoid eye contact. Mathias looked from the skittles to you before grinning,"you want some?" Heat rushed to your cheeks as your head shot up and whispered, "w-what?" With a grin and a grab of your hand, Mathias flipped your palm up and poured seven skittles in the small cup it made, "could've just asked you know. Haha!" The skittles rolled around in your palm as you stared at them, unsure of what to do next. "Thank... you," your voice a startled whisper.

"No prob," Mathias grinned, "ask if you want some more." Alfred spotted Gilbert making his way to the table, "Hey Gil! Sit down bro!" You turn around to see Gilbert with a plastic bag with all sorts of food in it. "Kesese~ The awesome me will honor you with my awesome presence!" he cackled as he slid next to you. "Hallo frau~ want some of my wurst?" he asked in a very seductive tone. Your face turned red at what you thought he meant by it, "Wh-What?!" He cracked up before pulling out a container of liverwurst. "You got such a dirty mind, you know that ___? Kese," Gilbert then took one out and took a bite out of it as he watched your color go back to normal. The three guys started to casually converse as you uncomfortably ate the colorful skittles in your palm. Mathias poured some skittles into his mouth and munched on them while Alfred asked, "so what's your type, dudes?" Mathias looked up and quickly glanced over at you. "Ja! I know mein type is somebody awesome, but ju never talk about yours Mat. I got some awesome chicks who'd loooove to hook up with ju," Gilbert stated plainly. Your body stiffened and it did not go unnoticed by Alfred or Gilbert. D-Darn these two! You can't just up and ask such a random question like that! Bu-but... I do kind of want to know too, you thought quickly before putting all ears on Mathias.

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