Your not like the others

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A/N: We starting to get into the timeline of the outsiders book. I have so many good ideas. Stay tuned. Stay Gold!

Alyssa's Pov:

Johnny and I have been dating for two weeks now and it has been the best two weeks of my life. I couldn't imagine being with anyone else.

I was on my way to the Curtis. "Hey guys!" I said as I walked in. "Hey Alyssa." they all said. I walked over to Johnny and sat next to him. He put his arm around me and I laid my head on this shoulder.

"How was your day been?" I asked him. "Better now that you're here." he said and kissed my forehead.

"Hey Alyssa, you seen Nat today?" Soda asked. "Last I heard, she got caught up in a fight." I said, "She's probably at Alex's grounded or something."

Just as I finished my sentence Nat burst through the door. "Pony's getting jump!" she yelled.

We all got up and sprinted out to help our friend. All the soc's got up and ran to their car. Darry ran over to Pony while the rest of the gang chased after the soc's.

I didn't really know what to do, and to be honest I don't think there was anything I could do. I stayed close to Johnny.

Once the soc's had left I walked over to Pony. "You good Pony?" I asked. "Yeah, yeah. I'll be alright." he said. I helped him up. Darry began lecturing Pony on how he should be walking alone but I didn't stay for that.

"I thought you were grounded or something." I said to Nat. "Nah, Alex let me off the hook since, I was dragged into the fight instead of being one of the ones to start it." she said.

"How'd you even get dragged into anyways." Dal asked. "After the fight broke out a lot of peolpe just started fighting someone they had issues with. Someone girl came up to me and punched me in the stomach, then another kicked me. So I fought back. I don't even know what I did the them, but they won't be messing with me any time soon." she said, "Hey, what are you doing outta the cooler?"

" Got out early." Dal said lighting a cigarette, "Good behavior." "Oh hand me one." Nat said. Dal passed the pack of cigarettes over to her. She pulled on out and light it.

"I was thinking about going to see a movie tomorrow if anyone wants to join." Dal said.

Steve shook his head, "Soda and I are takin Evie and Nat to the game."

"We'll go with ya Dal." I said, "Won't we Johnny." Johnny nodded in agreement, "Sure why not. Pony you wanna join?" "Sure."


We meet up with Dal at a street corner. "We're early." Dal said. "Well what do you want to do?" Johnny asked. Dal light a cigarette before speaking, "Nothing legal man. Let's get outta here."

We walked down to a store. There was a fight going on between Tim Shepherds gang and a mexican hitchhiker. We left when the knives were brought out.

We went to a restaurant, then another store, then chased a bunch of kids around. It was starting to get dark so we headed to the drive-in. We crawled under a hole in the fence then found some seats.

I sat next to Johnny and he put him arm around me. I snuggled up close to him. I looked up at him and smiled, he returned my smile.

After a few minutes two girls come over and sat in of us. I guess Dal decided to make them his target for tonight because as soon as they sat down he began talking about them.

I didn't pay much attention to them. "I'm gonna get a coke." Johnny said. "Can you get me one too baby?" I asked. "Sure thing."

I noticed Dal was still messing with the girl. "C'mon Dal, just leave her alone." I said. Dal looked at me before getting up and walking away saying, "Fine. I know when I'm not wanting."

Johnny can back looking a little confused as Dal walked past him. "Here babe. You finally get him to leave her alone?" I sighed, "Yeah, but I wouldn't guarantee he's gone for good."

The girl wiped her head around. "You gonna start in on us too?" she asked annoyance in her tone. "No." Pony said. I almost forgot he was there.

Her face softened, "You don't look the type. What's your names?" "Ponyboy Curtis." Pony said. "That's an original and unique name." she smiled. "My dad was an original person." he said. "My names Sherri but people call me Cherry because of my hair." she said. "I know." Pony said, "We go to the same school. Your a cheerleader." Cherry smiled and nodded.

"And what about you?" she asked gesturing to me and Johnny. "Oh I'm Alyssa Andrews, and this is my boyfriend Johnny Cade." I said. "Wait Andrews as in..." I sighed, "Natalia Andrews? Yes. She's my cousin. You probably think I've got a rep to, now."

"No, you're to sweet to have a criminal rep like her. Besides if you were like her you probably would've started in on us along with Dallas." Cherry said.

"Oh c'mon, Nat's not that bad." Johnny said defending his friend, "Sure she's scary, and a little aggressive, and likes to fight, but she's really a nice person when you get to know her. Real fun to be around." "She's just been through more an a 17 year old should have been through." I mumbled.

Cherry gave a sympathetic smile then Dal came back with three cokes. He handed one to Cherry, on to the other girl, then sat next to Cherry. "Thought that might cool you off." he said. She looked between the coke and him before throwing it at him. "Maybe when you learn how to talk, and act decently then I'll cool off too!" she yelled.

He wiped the coke off his face then got real close to her. She was trying to back away but he would just get closer. I think he might've even grabbed her. Johnny and I stood up yelling at him to stop. "Dal cut it out! Leave her alone." Johnny said. "What'd you say to me? What'd you say to me you little shit?" "C'mon man, leave here alone." I said. Dal scoffed, "Wise asses." He walked off.

"Thank you. He had me scared to death." she said. "Sure didn't show it. No one ever talks to Dallas Winston like that." Johnny said. "From what I can tell you two do." Cherry said.

I smiled a bit, "Yeah...and Nat. She'll talk to just about anyone like that."

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