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Three Months Later

A new day, a new base. Ghost was stationed temporarily at a US military base in Georgia, while he awaited news on his next mission. He'd been stationed at this base many times, so was familiar with the layout and some of the officers stationed here.

Ghost spent his first week on base, relaxing, catching up on correspondence, training in the gym and the weapons range. He always welcomed the opportunity of having a regular routine while he could, so intended to make the most of it.

Ghost was in a briefing with the base Captain and one of his lieutenants, about upcoming missions when a sergeant came in to have a word with his captain. Temporarily distracted from the meeting, Ghost and the lieutenant looked over some documents, while the two men conversed.

Ghost was tuned out of the ongoing conversation while he read, but his attention was caught by the Captain instructing his sergeant to take the intel to Bee for analysis.

'Hmmm' Ghost thought, 'The elusive Bee is here on base?' When the sergeant left, Ghost looked at the Captain and asked "Bee?".

"Yeah, she's a tech expert and intel analyst. She's on contract with us for a few weeks, CIA recommended her" The Captain explained.

"CIA huh? What's your experience of working with her?" Ghost asked curious to get a handle on the woman.

The Captain laughed before answering "Bee's a bit unconventional in her approach, but we've had nothing but good reports from our Ops team. She's helped us with a hell of a lot of intel in a short time. Surprised you've not worked with her Lieutenant".

"She's worked intel on a few missions I've been on. Never met her though. Agree she's unconventional, but she did bring results" Ghost begrudgingly admitted, wondering if he'd finally get to meet the odd woman while he was here.

"Well she's got another couple of weeks with us, so if you need any intel checked out, she pretty much lives in the IT lab" the Captain replied, before continuing with the mission discussion.

Later that day, Ghost made his way to the IT lab, intending to finally meet this Bee. She wasn't there, but one of the technicians said they'd let her know Ghost was looking for her. After a couple of days and two more visits to the lab, Ghosts suspected that she was avoiding him.

Speaking again to the lab tech on duty, Ghost queried why she was never there when he was looking for her. The man nervously said that he didn't know what else to tell him and repeated what the Captain said, that she practically lived in the lab.

Ghost smiled under his mask, "I'll find her" he said to the tech.

"Well you can't miss her Sir,  just look for the small redhead" the tech replied.

Ghost had just gone through the corridor doors when he heard the lab tech call out "There you are Bee. Ghost's been looking for you again".

He didn't hear Bee's response, but carefully peered down the hallway. There, going into the lab was a short redhead wearing an oversized hoodie and jeans. Ghost didn't waste any time in walking back down the corridor and into the lab.

When the lab tech saw him, his face paled and he nervously pointed to the side office, saying "She's in there Sir".

Ghost knocked on the door and heard a familiar voice call to come in.

The woman had her back to him, focussed on something on the laptop in front of her. "How can I help you?" she asked as she turned around. Bee stopped dead with a look of shock on her face. "Ghost" she said in a strained voice.

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