New Mexico (Part 1)

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One Month Later

Becca was grateful to have had a couple of weeks to work on a few small DIY projects as well as catching up with gardening, inbetween contracts. Happy to be spending her days outside in the warm sunshine, working in her kitchen garden and enjoying the signs of wildlife around her.

Becca loved being in nature, having grown up in the Kentucky countryside. With a large green pasture, a small woodland area and a couple of creeks on her property, she took every opportunity to take in the wildlife and clean air to balance her workload.

After a long productive day in her garden, Becca relaxed with a good homecooked meal, checking out the intel boards, messages and emails on her laptop. A notification soon came up signalling an incoming message on her server. 

Clicking the link, she was surprised to see it was from Captain Price asking if she would be available for a short contract. Looking forward to seeing him again, Becca sent him a video call link and made herself a drink while she waited for him to connect.

The familiar smiling face of the Captain, soon appeared on the screen "Captain Price. Great to see you sir. How you been?" Bee asked with a grin.

"Great to see you too Bee, I'm good, but I'm still smarting from hearing you don't wanna join my team" he replied with a warm smile.

"Sorry to disappoint you sir. As flattered as I am, I like working independently. I don't really work well in a team" Bee explained chuckling.

"Well it's definately my loss. Anyway, the reason I'm calling is we could sure use your hacking skills for a job next week" Price said in request.

"Now now sir, you asking me to break the law? I'm shocked" Bee said laughing.

Price chuckled at her words "We're planning a raid on the New Mexico border. We need eyes on the inside but we've been unable to crack their surveillance system. Ghost tells me it's one of your areas of expertise. He informed me you were able to work something similar on his raid in Zurich, way back." he explained.

"Oh did he now? So it's gonna be up close and personal. I'm not that keen on being in the field, sir" Bee cautioned with a smile.

"We've already thought of that. Ghost will be on overwatch, so you'd be posted with him at a safe distance" Price said hoping to reassure her.

Bee paused to consider the offer. Knowing that Ghost would be with her, did relieve some of her worry about being in the field, but there was still a lingering fear of being so close to any action.

Price sensed her hesitancy and added "I can promise you, Ghost will have you out of there if there's any sign of an issue Bee".

"How long would you need me for?" Bee queried, considering the offer.

"One week tops. Of course, we'll cover any costs and whatever your fee is, without question" Price offered with confidence.

"Okay sir, I'm in" Bee said with certainty.

Two days later, Bee drove her old truck up to the gates of the Army Base in Texas where the TaskForce were stationed. With directions to their temporary compound, Bee quickly pulled up to the building, spotting Ghost and Soap standing waiting for her. Bee couldn't help but smile at seeing the guys again.

"Hey Soap, hey big scary bastard" Bee called out as the two men approached her.

"Jesus Christ Bee, don't make me regret recommending you" Ghost replied gruffly but Bee saw the sly wink that followed his complaint.

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