10 years later

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"Ronald! Iris!" The sound of Molly's voice made Iris jump up almost immediately. Iris shot her eyes open and felt a smile plaster on her face when she realised what day it was. She jumped out of her bed and shook Ron from underneath his covers. He clearly didn't want to get up, his mouth was drooling, eyes closed and he seemed to be sleeping peacefully.

"Ron!! Where going to Hogwarts today!" She giggled, and pulled the covers down exposing him to the cold air of the room.

"Huh? oh! What are we waiting for then! let's go!" Ron got his clothes on, brushed his teeth and Iris and himself ran down the stairs. When they reached the bottom of the stairs they could smell the cooking of the food they loved so much.

"It really is a good day! Molly is doing Waffles!" Iris smiled and ruffled Rons ginger hair. They raced towards the wooden table Molly had placed the Waffles on.

"You two all packed? do you have everything ready, dears?" Molly asked, panicking slightly as she ran around the house getting everything prepared for their new journey at Hogwarts school.

"I just need to pack some extra books! And then i'm all set!" iris replied, as she devoured her waffles.

IRIS, was filled with excitement she couldn't wait to go to Hogwarts school. All her life she's heard about the exhilarating experiences from Hogwarts. And now she finally got to encounter it herself.

She examined all the muggles and wondered how anyone could live such a dull life. She shook her head at the thought of it. As much as it may bore her it always intrigued her slightly. How they, couldn't use magic, their view on life and the constant worry of death without any way of protecting themselves.

"Come on, iris!" George pulled her arm, and she was brought back into reality after all the staring.

"stop staring!" Fred clicked his fingers in-front of her face and laughed. Iris eyed Ginny Weasley for help, but she was just as interested as her.

Over the years, Iris felt more and more comfortable with the Weasley's. They may have not been her real family but she always felt at home.

George and Fred, the Weasley twins always made Iris laugh without fail. No matter the situation. They protected Iris just as they did Ginny, as if there were no difference between the two at all. Iris, George and Fred always used to play pranks on Ron to watch him get angry and annoyed.

Ginny And iris, were sisters. They may not look alike- considering Ginny had flaming red short hair, pale skin, a boast of light freckles exploring her face and light blue eyes. Whereas, Iris had Medium length, rich brown hair, and her skin had a olive complexion. Iris may not look like the typical Weasley, but she fits in almost perfectly. But somehow, she managed to always feel out of place.

However, Ronald and herself had a bond. A special bond that was seen the minute Molly placed her down next to Ron when she arrived. They were, siblings and best friends all in one. Through the years, Ronald always managed to turn her frown into a glow. And iris managed to turn his shadows into a golden light.

"sorry!" Said Iris. She giggled and joined the rest of the Weasley's who seemed to be walking in-front. "how exactly do we get through to the platform?" She questioned looking around, walking side by side with Mrs Weasley.

"look at this place! Packed with muggles-" Molly shook her head, and iris smiled awkwardly.

"Fred you next!" Molly gestured her hand after Percy Weasley went through the brick wall in between platform 9 and 10.

"He's not Fred i am!" He protested.

"Honestly women, you call yourself our mother." george shook his head in disapproval.

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