5• the good old days

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Iris wandered over to outside of the school, where everyone was lining up to leave for Hogsmeade village, when she noticed harry with a sorrow look on his face and slightly annoyed. "I thought if you could sign it- " Harry pleaded to Miss mcgonagall.

"-I cant only a parent or guardian can sign it. I'm sorry, Potter. That's my final word." She patted his shoulder and walked away.

"It's okay, Harry. I'm staying too." She grinned and nudged him.

Before Hermione and Ron could walk away, Harry ran over to Ron and whispered something in his ear. Iris peered her head to try and hear but she couldn't. She gave Hermione and look and Hermione just shrugged, but iris could tell something we going on.

"See you guys later." Harry said to Ron and Hermione, who walked away.

"What did you say?" She asked.

"Don't worry." He smiled and walked with her back into the castle.

"Someone ought to keep an eye on Scarlett and Fred, Merlin knows what pranks they will pull on each other." Iris laughed whilst walking side by side with harry.

"They will get into serious trouble one day." He rolled his eyes.

The time ticked, and the clock tolled. Harry and Iris were walking along the bridge, allowing the air to hit there face and the sun shine on them when they came across Professor Lupin. "Harry.. Before we go speak to him- i need to tell you something-" Iris started.

"-Professor, can i ask you something?" Harry walked over, completely ignoring what Iris said.

Iris shook her head and walked over As well. "Guess not then." She shrugged and whispered underneath her breath.

"Harry, you want to know why i stopped the boggart?" He asked, almost like he knew the answer. Harry nodded and Iris did the same.

"I'm assuming, you thought it would take the shape of Voldemort." Iris cocked an eyebrow, waiting for an answer.

"Yes, Iris. Exactly that." Lupin smiled at her.

"I did think of that at first, but then i remembered the night on the train. And how i felt.. Isn't that right iris? It was terrifying." Harry explained, looking to Iris who was listening carefully.

"Yes." She replied, not wanting to go over it.

"That just means what you fear the most is fear itself." Lupin stated.

"Before i fainted.. i heard something a women screaming. Iris also saw a women, but she wasn't screaming." said Harry, trying to remember every detail.

"It's because Dementors make us live our worst memories, don't they?" Said iris, looking up at Lupin.

"Yes, how did you know?" He asked.

"I did some research after the lovely encounter i had with them." Iris smiled sarcastically.

"I think it was my mother... screaming. The night she was murdered." Said Harry, looking down at the view.

"Harry, the first time i saw you i recognised you immediately. You have your mothers eyes." Professor Lupin smiled.

"You knew my mother?" He asked. Iris's eyes widened.

"I knew both your parents very much, and yours Iris." He turned to look at Iris.

"What was they like?" Harry asked.

"Your mother was so kind. She managed to put a smile on anyone's face, much like yours Iris. Lily- your mother, managed to love someone even if they couldn't love themselves."  The professor sighed.

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