4• Boggarts

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In Professor Lupins class - which he was late to, Iris could hear the constant whispers about her last name. She was bouncing her knee and tapping the table, trying to distract herself from the fact she was everyone was talking about. Or correction, her father.

It took a while for the class to calm down, for some strange reason Professor lupin didn't seem to be present for quite a while.

"Iris! You missed the commotion!" Hermione hurried over to her and shook her shoulder. Iris broke out of her trance and looked to her confused.

"What? what did i miss?" She asked, looking just as confused as before.

"Sirius black-" Hermione started before a certain red head ran into the classroom.

"—Sirius black has been sighted." Ron cut Hermione off, clearly out of breath to tell iris the news. Harry followed shortly after, also out of  breath.

"Iris, y-you will never believe-" Harry panted.

"—We know!" Iris, Ron, and Hermione all shouted to harry. Harry shut his mouth and let out a relieved sigh. Harry grabbed the newspaper a Gryffindor gave to him and laid it flat on the table.

Iris scanned it thoroughly, looking for anything that could tell her about where he was. "Some people say he might even come to Hogwarts." Hermione anxiously stated.

Yet again, the room became more crowded. This time, particularly where Iris was sat. "Nonsense, he wouldn't be able to get through to Hogwarts! Dementors are stations at every possible entrance." Seamus barged in abruptly.

Iris felt the need to roll her eyes at his stupidity. "Please, that hasn't stopped him before." She stated, flipping the pages off the newspaper.

"Well, well, well." Draco teased. "It seems that your murderous father is up to no good, won't be too long until you go down the same path." He nudged his friends and the began laughing behind him.

"Speak another word about me and i'll cut your throat." Iris stood up. She stood up close enough to him that he slouched back. "I've had a bad day as it is, so i don't need spoiled, bleach haired, arrogant ghouls like you to make it even worse." She got her wand and pointed in it to his chest.

Before anything worse could happen, someone interrupted by clearing their throat. "Miss black, you seem to have quite the temper. Everyone please calm down." Professor Lupin raised his eyebrow and Iris lowered her wand slowly not breaking eye contact with Draco. "Now, everyone clear the space. We are going to need all the room we can get." He urged the students to move the tables and chairs.

Harry nudged Iris whilst everyone was getting the room ready for the lesson. "You ok?" He asked squeezing her hand.

"Yeah." She smiled lightly and squeezed his hand back.

After what felt like ages sorting out the classroom, they finally ended up with a clear space and a dark black wardrobe at one end of it. Iris peered her head to take a better look and it seemed to be shaking as if something wanted to come out. "Excuse me, sir." Iris put her hand up.

"Yes, Iris?" He answered.

"What exactly is in there?" she laughed and pointed to the wardrobe.

He clapped his hands and smiled. "You've gotten ahead of yourself! can anyone tell me what is in here?" He asked scanning the silent room. It was evident no one knew the answer.

Hermione propped her hand up and stood up straight. "It's a boggart, sir. It takes the form of anything. It usually takes the form of people's worst fears." She gulped and stared towards the wardrobe.

Iris Black Where stories live. Discover now