2• Do you get Deja vu?

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One by one, everyone left the train. Iris and harry were walking side by side, giggling and teasing one another. "I bet you 5 galleons Fred will go and tease, Scarlett." Iris nudged harry, pointed to Fred and they laughed. Harry shook her hand and they watched the Weasley.

Fred fixed his hair and nudged his brother before walking over to the Lupin girl. "Back again, Lupin?" Fred grinned.

"Shut it, Weasley." said Scarlett, rolling her eyes and walking away.

Iris smirked proudly to herself and harry noticed the grin on her face. "Fine. I owe you." Harry passed her five Galleons and she shoved them in her pocket. Over all the laughter iris was experiencing she couldn't help but shake off the slight whispers she heard whenever people would walk past. "Killers daughter." She heard someone say. She kept her head down and tried not to be fazed by it.

The weather was still the harsh winds as it was before, and the rain was even more severe than it was when they were on the train.

When they arrived at Hogwarts, the voices of the choir singing at the front pervaded the room, setting the scene for a hopefully peacefully year. After the choir had finished, Dumbledore blessed the school with one of his long speeches.

"I'd like to say a few words before we all become to befuddled in our excellent feast. Firstly, i'd like to introduce to you Professor R.J Lupin who has kindly taken the position of being your new defence against the Dark Arts teacher." Dumbledore stood aside from and gestured his hands towards Lupin. The room clapped, and Fred was certainly teasing Scarlett again.

"Of course! that's why he knew to give us chocolates!" Iris spoke to harry, before she heard the voice she hated so much.

"Potter, Black. Is it true you fainted? i mean you actually fainted?" Draco taunted, and his friends laughed.

"Shove off, Malfoy." Ron turned harry around.

"Incompetent, Gryndilow." Iris muttered under her breath.

"Our teacher for the care of Magical Creatures has retired, in order to spend more time with his remaining limbs. However, i am delighted to announce... that his place will be taken by none other than our own Rubeus Hagrid." Said Dumbledore, as he pointed to the clearly nervous Hagrid sitting with the other teachers.

"Finally, on a more disquieting note... at the request of the ministry of magic.. Hogwarts will, until further notice, play host to dementors of Azkaban. Until such a time as Sirius Black is captured." Dumbledore spoke slowly, and whispers filled the room. Iris gulped, and let out a breath.

"Someone needs to get that filthy, Black sent back to Azkaban." Draco mumbled to the Slytherin. "As well, as his murderous daughter." The blonde boy spoke the last sentence louder almost like he wanted Iris to hear.

"Draco, don't you have some hair to bleach? Or some friends to buy?" Iris turned around and poked Draco. "Speak another word about me, and i assure you, i will turn you into a cockroach!" Iris turned back around to listen to the rest of the speech.

"Pathetic." Draco mumbled quietly under his breath.

"The only pathetic one here is you , Malfoy." Harry argued back, the last thing he wanted to see was Iris upset.

"-The dementors will be stationed at every entrance of the ground, I must warn each and everyone of you that dementors can be very violent. They do not distinguish between the ones they are protecting and the ones they are fighting easy. But, even in the darkest of times you can always find happiness." Dumbledore continued with his speech as everyone listening carefully.

When he finished with his speech, Iris could hear the constant whispers coming her way. They haunted her, and she couldn't get away from them. She shook her head, hoping it would go away. But at the end of the day, deep down she knew she would always be just a Murderers Daughter.

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