Chapter One

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*Year One

I sighed as I heard Lucius arguing with my parents downstairs in the dining room. I had no idea what they were talking about but I just heard his angry tone and Narcissa's calm one, probably telling him to calm down.

I went out of my room to see if I can hear better. And sure enough, I did.
And I wish I didn't because all I heard was, "Draco, why don't you go and get to know (y/n)."

I quickly hurried back to my room and locked it. The last thing I needed was that blonde freak in my room.

"(Y/n)? I know you're in there or else why would the door be locked?"

I opened the door and peeked out at him. He stood there, his hair slicked back and wearing a black turtle neck and black trousers.

"Why do they want us to get to know each other?" I asked.

Draco shrugged. "I don't know. You don't like it, I don't like it. So why don't we sit on opposite corners of the room and say we talked about our feelings or something. "

I nodded and let him in.

He sat down on my bed and I crossed my arms. "Off."

"You have a chair over there." He pointed.

I sighed and just sat on the other side of my bed, getting my Hogwarts letter and re-reading it.

"You got that, too, I see. I'm hoping to be in Slytherin. I'm sure I will, just like you most likely will, with your family's reputation and all."

"Yeah." Was all I had to say.

"Well, you're no fun. I'm just trying to make conversation."

I glared at Draco. "You're the one that said to ignore each others presence and call it a day."

"Well I got bored fast."

There was a knock on the door.

"Draco, time to leave. We've already come to an agreement. " said Lucius.

Draco left without hesitation.

I was to leave for Hogwarts tomorrow. I had everything I needed...already at Hogwarts. My parents demanded I had everything taken before everyone else. I only had to have my robes for when I arrive. I know I don't need to keep reading the letter, but I'm just too excited about leaving home.

It was near nighttime, and almost time for me to go to bed. My mum came to my room just as I was preparing to sleep.

She sat on my bed and smiled an evil smile at me. "Tomorrow, you're going to become a Slytherin, darling. Just like me. Like your father. Did you know that everyone in our family, since Hogwarts was barely opened, have been in Slytherin?"

"Yes mom. You told me that over and over before." I said, uninterested.

"I'm only reminding you of our greatness. Remember, pureblood is the way to go. You must marry a pureblood."

I shuddered. "Mum! I'm 11!"

"Yes, well go to sleep. Tomorrow is a big day."


I was awake before my parents and probably God himself. That's how excited I was. I went downstairs and into the kitchen to find the house elf, Abner, making breakfast.

"I see mistress is ready. Is mistress hungry? Abner has prepared breakfast for mistress."

I smiled. "Yes, thank you Abner. I'll be in the dining room."

I went to the dining room and sat down. Not long after did Abner walk in holding my plate and drink. Eggs and toast and orange juice.

"Thank you, Abner."

"That thing doesn't deserve a thank you." I heard from the doorway.

My parents walked in, ready and hungry.

Abner cowered when he seen them.

"Go get our breakfast you filth!" My father said, shoving him to the kitchen.

"Y-yes master." Abner ran inside.

My parents sat across from me. My father leaned forward and smiled.

"My little girl is finally going to Hogwarts. Make those mudbloods suffer, you hear? Even half-bloods are abominations."

Abner came in and gave my parents their breakfast. He then retreated into the kitchen.

"Watch what you say, Marcus. You know the Dark Lord is a half blood." My mum said.

"I know, Clara. He's different, though."

I sighed. I was almost done with my food. I just wanted to leave.

I finished quickly and took my plate to the kitchen.

I sighed as I gave the dirty dish to Abner.

"What's wrong, mistress?"

"My parents are so evil. It's like they want me to sabotage the school and kill everyone who isn't pureblood."

"Well, Abner has nothing to say on that but all Abner can say is I hope you have fun."

I smiled and hugged him. He deserved to be loved like this after so much mistreatment from my parents.

I thanked him and went out since my parents were calling me. It was finally time to leave.


I boarded the train faster than the speed of light. Not literally, of course.

I walked through the narrow walk space and looked into every cabin to see if they were empty.

I came across one with a boy who seemed to be a first year as well. He had dark hair and circular glasses. He was looking at his lap when I saw him. Then he looked up and spotted me peeking in. He smiled.

"Hello." He said.

"Hi." I replied rather awkwardly.

"Are you.. are you going to sit here?" He asked.

I shook my head. "No, I was just checking to see if this cabin was empty. And it's obviously not."

"D-do you want it to be?" The boy said, getting up.

"No no no. I was just looking for an empty cabin, this one's yours. You got here first."

He sat back down. "Well, you're more than welcome to sit with me."

I smiled. "Thank you, but I prefer to be alone."

The boy smiled and nodded. "That's understandable."

I nodded. I didn't know what else to say so I left. I walked a few more cabins down from the boy until I found an empty one. Finally.

I plopped down on the seat and put my folded robes in my lap.

The train tooted and I knew we were going to leave. I looked out the window to see parents smiling happily and waving goodbye to their children. Then I spotted my parents. And they spotted me.

They didn't wave goodbye. And the smile they gave me was sinister. They both nodded once at me, their smile still on their faces. As if they expect me to do evil.

I looked away and leaned my head back, closing my eyes.

"Hello, (y/n)!"

I gritted my teeth. I knew who this was. Without opening my eyes I was able to tell that blonde freak sat next to me and his two hooligans sat opposite us. Why can't I ever be alone, damn it.

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