Chapter Four

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*Me* enters with Crabbe and Hoyle shielding me to avoid getting hit by water bottles and stuff

I took so long since I had writers block I am so sorry :( but here's a chapter!

The Halloween feast was absolutely splendid! Harry, Ron, and I had a great time talking and joking. Hermione wasn't there. I asked Harry and Ron about her whereabouts, but Harry looked to Ron who went red in the face. At that moment, I knew that he had hurt her feelings somehow. I'd ask her about it later. It got to the point where others saw and started to talk to me. To me! Even though most of them are still scared, it's a start. Besides Harry and Ron, Fred and George Weasley made my night by cracking the funniest jokes I've heard and telling me some plans of some pranks they plan on pulling on a couple of Slytherin first years, Malfoy included.

They wanted to slip some fireworks into their bags and watch them freak out as they run.

"We are hoping someone falls in the process." George said.

"Really? I'm hoping that someone will poo their pants." Fred said.

The twins looked at each other and smiled. "Let's hope for both, mate."

It was my best night so far and I was really enjoying it.

Everything was going well until a sudden silence fell over the hall as the doors were pushed open and Professor Quirrel came running up the isle.

"TROLL! IN THE DUNGEON! TROLL IN THE DUNGEON!.... thought you ought to know." Then he collapsed right there.

There was a moment of silence until a sudden screaming filled the room. Students were screaming and dropping their candy, getting out of their seats and starting to make a run for if towards the doors. I looked at Harry and he looked a little panick stricken, but he wasn't screaming. In fact, no one who I was talking to was screaming.

"SILENCE." The voice made me jump and everyone looked towards Dumbledore.

"If everyone would please remain calm! Prefects, escort your houses to their dormitories. Teachers, please accompany me to the dungeons."

Everyone stood up and filed out of the Great Hall.

At that moment, I was glad that I wasn't a Slytherin since the Slytherin dorms ARE in the dungeons. As we walked out, I saw Draco and his face looked like one of complete terror that I snorted.

What an eventful night. It was until we reached the Fat Lady that I noticed that Harry and Ron were gone. Hm. Wonder where they could have run off to.


At breakfast the next day, Harry, Hermione, and Ron told me about the troll and how they saved Hermione.

" How was it?! How did you kill it?" I asked.

"We didn't. Ron here knocked it out." Harry said, nudging Ron.

Ron smiled.

Then, Snape came limping by. "Goodluck on your match today Potter. I'm sure you'll do well. Even if it is against Slytherin." He said in a sort of sarcastic tone and limped away.

"Wonder why he's limping. " I said.

Harry, Hermione, and Ron looked at each other. It was then that they told me about the three headed dog they seen the other night.

" So you think Snape tried to get past that thing?" I asked.

"Yes." Harry said.


The Quidditch match was awesome. I had so much fun that time flew so quickly that the match started and that it was done before I knew it. Harry got the Snitch and Gryffindor won.

The rest of the year was quite an adventure for Harry. It was pretty much normal for me. Malfoy bothered me less which was great. And my parents sent me a letter the day before the last day at Hogwarts. Here is what the letter said.

Dear (y/n),

Your father and I greatly apologize for how we took the news. We understand that we misunderstood you and we don't want you to be misunderstood. There are good things that come from this. Gryffindor is the main rival house of Slytherin. You can be the insider that brings havoc to the house. We are looking forward to having you home.


I rolled my eyes as read it. I was not going to be anything like them. The last thing I wanted to do was to lose Hermione and Ron as my friends. Especially Harry.

My second and third year were nothing special to talk about. So I'll give a brief summary. In my second year, students became even more afraid since I was the first they accused as the heir of Slytherin. Then Harry was "caught at a scene" and so they accused him. I helped him try to find the Chamber of Secrets, especially when Hermione was petrified. Then that was that. I was even closer to them at the time.

My third year was even more normal, even with the dementors around the school and Sirius Black on the loose. I was used to being surrounded by darkness. On the bright side, less and less students were scared. Especially when they heard that I helped Harry to stop the attacks on the muggleborns. Draco started to act strange around me like If he knew something I didn't, which was odd. My parents were still good friends with his parents and they visted often on the holidays and I ALWAYS had to be present which sucked. And also... I had a sort of particular feeling everytime I was around Harry. I don't really know how to describe it. When Harry was around I would straighten up and smile. My heart would race and it was just so weird. I can't even describe the happiness I felt when he told me that Sirius was his godfather and that he was innocent. When Harry told me this, he seemed cautious. He seemed as if he knew that I wouldn't believe him. But on the contrary, I did. I don't know what it is but with Harry, I feel like I can believe anything he tells me.

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