Chapter Three

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It was official. My parents were ashamed of me. It's been weeks since my arrival at Hogwarts and I haven't received a letter from my parents since I told them I was a Gryffindor.

I didn't have many friends, given that almost everyone at school feared me. Except for Harry. And Draco, sadly.

I was in the library doing my History of Magic homework, since we had a small break before I went to Flitwick's class, when I heard someone plop down in the seat next to me.

" Well well well, if it isn't the (l/n) family's disgrace."

I rolled my eyes. "Get out of here, Malfoy. "

" My father wrote to me and I received the letter today. He can't stop talking about you and how your family is so furious, they actually think about suing the school! They said they think the Sorting Hat was jinxed or something. Can't seem to accept the fact that their pride and joy isn't fit to be a Slytherin. My father also says that I shouldn't be seen speaking to you. I might disgrace the family. It's still odd since he still talks to your family. It's probably just you that should be ignored. After all, your parents are sort of like legends. My father also says-"

"Draco, enough about your father and the gossip and the rude remarks. " I whispered furiously.

Draco smirked. "Right, you must be absolutely proud to be in Gryffindor since Potter is there AND he's the new Gryffindor Seeker. Isn't the first game tomorrow? Who are you going for? Slytherin or Gryffindor? "

I ignored him and closed my book, gathering my papers and trying to get out of there. Draco, however, decided he wasn't done. So he followed me out.

" You're going for Gryffindor aren't you? You and Potter have been getting along, huh?"

I picked up my pace. So did Draco.

Students around us stared at us, no doubt thinking we are up to no good. People also knew that the Malfoys took Voldemort's side when he was at bay in the dark days, even though Lucius claimed it was under the influence of the Imperious Curse. Which was rubbish, of course.

" I'm going to the Gryffindor Common Room, Malfoy. You can't follow me in there." I said.

" Watch me." Said Draco, although there was a hint in his voice that said he really wasn't going to disgrace himself by going in there. Anyway, Percy Weasley should be in there. He wouldn't allow it.

I reached the stair case leading to the common room and thankfully, Draco scurried away as he saw that I wasn't joking.

I reached the Fat Lady and quickly gave the password, turning back to make sure Draco wasn't spying.

I went in quickly and relaxed once I was inside.

It was pretty empty in there. Harry, Hermione, and Ron were there talking among themselves. I sat at an empty desk and began on my homework. From the corner of my eye, I saw Harry look at me, then he started to walk towards me.

"Hello, (y/n)." He smiled.

I looked up as if I didn't notice him coming. "Hello, Harry. How are you?"

He nodded."I'm doing well. May I sit with you? "


He sat on the chair next to mine. "You know, I finished that assignment already. Do you want to see it? "

I shook my head. "No thank you, Harry. I don't want Professor Binns to roast us for copied work."

"That's the thing, don't copy word for word then it'll all be alright! " Harry smiled.

I laughed. "Harry, Binns has been teaching here for a long time. He's a ghost, for crying out loud! You know they said he got up to teach one day and left his body behind."

Harry laughed. "Well, I guess you're right. He's probably seen every trick students try to pull. I can help you, though. Maybe Hermione can help, too."

I looked over at Ron and Hermione. They kept glancing at Harry.

"It's alright. Maybe you can help me. After all, I would like to get to know the great Harry Potter. "

So he helped me with my homework while we got to know each other more. He was really nice.

After a while, when I was almost done with my homework, Hermione and Ron came over. Ron looked a bit frightened. Hermione looked as if she mustered all her courage to go.

"Hello. I'm Hermione. "

I looked at her, a bit shocked. " I'm (y/n).."

"W-why do we have to bother with introductions when we all know each others names?" Ron said.

Hermione hit him. "Because it's the proper thing to do!"

" Ouch okay! You know you're a bit scary at times." Ron said.

I giggled. Hermione merely rolled her eyes.

" So um, I don't mean to be nosey but.. how did your parents take you being in Gryffindor and all..?" Ron asked.

Hermione was about to hit him once more until I lightly patted her arm.

"It's alright, I can answer his questions. They don't bother me. Anyway, I have nothing to hide." I smiled.

Hermione smiled back and nodded. She was beginning to trust me little by little. That was good.

" Back to your question, Ron, my parents aren't exactly happy with it. I haven't heard from them since they found out."

Harry patted your hand. "It'll be alright. I have a feeling they'll come around. Anyway, Gryffindor isn't bad. At least we know you're brave. "

Although I knew Harry was simply trying to make me feel better on the matter, I knew that being brave wouldn't be sufficient to please my parents. Who knows if they'll ever speak to me again.

Hermione seemed to notice me conflicting with myself since she tapped my shoulder so I could look at her.

" Hey, tomorrow is Harrys first quidditch match. How about you join Ron and I in the stands to cheer for him?"

"Yeah, that would be great if you could join us." Ron said, his voice still a little uncertain about all of this.

I shrugged.

" Come on, please? It would be great to have another friend cheer for me. It would really motivate me to do well."

I smiled.

"Join us tonight as well for the Halloween feast! It would be great!" Hermione said.

I smiled even more.

"I'll take that as a yes. Now come on, we should get to class. I heard we're learning how to make things levitate today." Hermione said, making sure that we packed everything so we can get to class on time.

I'm so sorry for the lag, in all honesty I had writers block but like I'm baaack ♡

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