Chapter Two

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The ride to Hogwarts was unbearable. Malfoy just kept talking and bragging and ugh. I zoned out 99% of the time.
I had to step out to put on my uniform. The boys changed in the cabin.

When we finally arrived, I rushed out of the cabin without saying a word. All was smooth sailing until I bumped into someone and fell, along with the person. I looked over to see who it was.

A redhead.

"Be careful, next time, girl. Someone can really get hurt!" He said while looking at the floor and rubbing his arm. He finally looked at me and his eyes shot wide open.

"O-oh. U-um... I-I'm so sorry. The fault was mine, n-not yours.." He said, pure fear in his eyes and tone.

I recognized this kid. He's a Weasley.

A few seconds later, the dark haired boy came out and observed us on the floor.

Weasley got up and brushed himself. The dark haired boy reached his hand out to help me. I accepted his help.

"Thanks." I said.

"No problem." He said.

I proceeded to walk quickly, for I saw Malfoy and co. walking towards me.

☆Harry P.O.V.☆

I watched that girl walk away. I shrugged. "It's like she's running away from something."

I looked at Ron and saw sheer horror on his face. "What's wrong with you?"

"D-don't you know who that is?!" He exclaimed.

We now started to walk out of the train.

"No." I replied.

"Okay, you know about You-know-who, yes? Well, she's the daughter of the (l/n) family! Her parents were the right hand people of you-know-who! The most evil magical folk! Well, besides you-know-who. They say she's the meanest girl ever! They say she's destined for pure evil!"

I laughed. "You shouldn't judge people based on rumors, Ron. And besides, I met her earlier and she seemed kind of shy."

At this point, we were already outside where I saw Hagrid.

"First years, come with me!" He said.

All the first years went. Ron and I were at the front.

"Hiya Harry!" Hagrid said.

"Hello Hagrid!"

"Woooaaahhhh!" Ron exclaimed, marveling at Hagrid's height.

Hagrid led us away from the train station towards some boats. I looked around and spotted on my left the girl with three boys.

Two of the boys were rather large while the third was smaller with insane blond hair. She seemed annoyed by them.

She looked over to me and I froze. I didn't know what to do since I never stared at a girl let alone get caught.

She gave me a small smile and waved. I waved back.


♡Your P.O.V.♡

That boy was very interesting. I looked away and pretended to pick up something. Thankfully Malfoy didn't notice. I proceeded to walk with the crowd, but on my own. I was debating whether or not I should go with that boy. I decided not to.

I sat with my hands on my lap when we reached the boats. Everyone stared in awe at the castle. Except me. I've seen the school loads of times. The boat ride took longer than I expected and I started to fidget in my seat.

The girl next to me gave me a look of annoyance. When I noticed this, I turned to face her. I recognized her as the daughter of the Parkinsons. I forgot her name. Not that it was important anyway.

She must have recognized me as well for she immediately reacted with a look of horror and looked away. I didn't understand why these people were so afraid of me.

Finally, we reached the shore. I got off the boat super fast. We were led into the castle and was told to walk over to the Great Hall.

I found myself near the front behind Malfoy and his friends when we met up with Minerva McGonagall. She gave us a welcoming speech and told us of our houses and how we earn and lose points and the winning house wins the house cup at the end of the year, yada yada yada. I already knew all of this. Thanks to my parents.

When McGonagall mentioned Slytherin, Draco and his friends exchanged assuring looks.

I was pretty sure my boredom showed in my face. Did I care? Not really.

When McGonagall left, Draco spoke up while looking over at the dark haired boy with the circular glasses.

"So it's true then, what they were saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts."

What? They said that? I must have been zoned out. But wait... that dark haired boy is HARRY POTTER?! THE HARRY POTTER?!

My eyes widened so much that I was afraid they would pop out of their sockets. Like no, get back in there. Haha. Not many witches have dirty minds. Especially 11 year olds!

I looked on as Malfoy introduced himself. Then the red head stifled a laugh when he heat his name.

Malfoy glared. "Think my name's funny do you? Do I need to ask yours?"

Oh great. I never understood why he always adored making poor jokes about the Weasleys. I mean, I don't personally know them but there's no reason to make fun of them.

After the whole episode of Malfoy offering the dark haired-... Potter his friendship, Potter turned him down. I smirked. Served Draco right.

Not long after did we finally enter the Great Hall. The first years gathered and waited to be called upon. All the other students were seated at their house tables.

A girl named Hermione got into Gryffindor and they cheered for her. Then another girl named Susan got Hufflepuff and yet more cheering. Draco got Slytherin obviously and they clapped. Are Slytherins too good to cheer?

Weasley went up and got into Gryffindor and more cheers. Potter took awhile though.

I was able to see him shutting his eyes tightly and whispering something as if he was trying to will the Sorting Hat to grant him some sort of wish.

Finally, he was placed in Gryffindor and their table went wild. Took a moment for them to finally calm down for the ceremony to proceed.


"(Y/n) (l/n)."

The room went dead silent. Even some teachers squirmed in their chairs. I ignored it.

I sat on the chair and the hat was placed on my head.

"I know you. (I walked with you once upon a dream xDDDDDD sorry I'll leave now lol) Your family is quite famous, aren't they? Such.... interesting people. But you... you are not like them are you? You wish for a different fate. However, your fate will not change... but it is your strong will that gives the possibility. So brave of you to want something different. So it better be..... Gryffindor!!!"

Gasps. Silence. A glare from Malfoy. I awkwardly walked toward the Gryffindor table and sat next to Harry. He tried to start some clapping but he was the only one, and it only made it more awkward so he stopped.

I glanced at him and gave him a short smile before looking at the table.

He leaned in and whispered. "Maybe give it time and they'll warm up to you."

I gave a slight nod. I didn't look up. I was worried. What were my parents going to say?....

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