Chapter Five

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In memory of Alan Rickman. He will be in our hearts. Always..... ♡ #RaiseYourWandForAlanRickman

*Fourth Year*

I went alone to Diagon Alley to get the stuff I needed for school. I was going back to Hogwarts in two days and I still haven't gotten anything. No books, no new quills or ink, I needed more parchment and I was running low on my potions ingredients.

Speaking of Potions, my parents decided it time for me to become top student and a favorite of Professor Snape. He favored the Slytherins so it would be hard to get his favoritism, but my parents wanted me to be the ultimate teacher's pet. I have a feeling that they want me to major in Potions or something. Or they want me to learn to make different kinds of poisons. Who knows? With my parents, it could be anything.

I bought my books and quills and ink and checked my list if I needed anything else. Crap. I forgot the parchment.

So I went back to get the parchment. And I really wish I didn't.

"Hello, (y/n)." Said the familiar drawling voice of Draco. I shuddered.

For most of the summer, him and his family have been at my home and Draco has been invading my space and if he kept it up, I was going to punch him. My hand actually twitched from the urge.

"Leave me alone." I said. I grabbed the parchment I needed and walked toward the counter, where I gave the witch there the few Galleons it costed.

Draco followed me out. "Why do you insist on following me?"

"Well, I thought we were friends." He said, rather hurt.

"You thought." I said, not caring.

"Whatever. Anyway, you know how my father is one of the governors of-"

"More boasting? That's great. Anyway, how was the Quidditch World Cup?" I asked. I might as well, since I didn't go. Ron had invited me and told me that Harry and Hermione were going, but my parents said that Quidditch was not fit for a lady. I'm not a lady. And that's just rubbish.

I bet if Draco had invited me, it would have been a different story. However, I'd rather not go if that meant Draco was taking me.

"It would have gone better if Potter and his gang of red haired idiots and the mudblood weren't sitting in front of me. That mudblood's hair is so bushy I couldn't see. And she wasn't even sitting directly in front of me!"

Without a signal or hesitation, I turned on my heel and punched Draco right on his stupid nose.

He fell and stared up at me, wide eyed and in shock.

"That's for insulting my friends!" Then I turned and went to go get my potions ingredients.

I walked in and went around the shop, grabbing a variety of ingredients I needed until I ran into Professor Snape.

"Hello Professor!" I said politely.


I might as well try to get on Snape's good side.

"What are you getting here, Professor? "

Snape looked at me, clearly weirded out by my interest.

"Some potions ingredients, Miss (l/n)."

"What kind?" Oh man. Maybe I'm coming off as annoying.

"The kind I have in my personal storage. Do not snoop around, Miss (l/n) it will do you no good."

I felt bad. He probably just came here for a sense of peace yet I'm here bothering him. "I'm sorry Professor."

It must have shone in my features for Snape's expression softened a bit.

"Do you have everything you need, Miss (l/n)?" He asked.

I thought about it. "I'm not entirely sure. Will we be using anything new this year Professor?"

"You'll be needing ginger roots." He said.

"Ohh. Okay." I said, looking around for the ginger roots.

"They are right over there." He pointed to the back shelf.

"Thank you very much, Professor. Should I be worried about anything this year? Maybe study or read up on anything about potions to prepare alittle?"

Snape waved his hand and shook his head. "No. There is nothing for you to worry about. You are a really good student. One of the best, in my opinion. You follow the rules. You and Malfoy are my top students in class. It would be rather fantastic to have you two as Slytherin Prefects. However, given that you are not in Slytherin, that would be impossible."

Wait. Me? A Gryffindor? That has Snape's favoritism? How is? How even?

"Yes, your house mates would do good to follow your leadership. Perhaps you would do good to be a Gryffindor Prefect. "

Holy cow. Me? A Prefect? That would be amaze balls!

I realized now perhaps Snape would like to take his leave. "Thank you, Professor. I hope you enjoy the remainder of the vacation. I'll see you in school." I gave a small timid smile.

To my suprise, Snape gave a small smile back and shook my hand for like half a second.

"As to you, Miss (l/n)." He said. He then went to purchase his items.

Up to now I like to believe I was one of the special few who earned a smile from Snape. Like a real friendly smile, no matter how small. I really didn't think Snape was a bad guy like Harry always said. I just had the feeling something happened to him, but it wasn't my business. Speaking of Harry, I had a letter from him to respond to. I quickly went to get the ginger roots, relieved in a way that Snape said I wouldn't have any trouble. The only trouble I was having at the moment was carrying all my books, quills, ink, parchment, and potions ingredients. After I purchased the ingredients, I immediately took off to go home. But that was after I purchased a small bewitched handbag to fit all my items in. I then went to the small empty alley where I kept my broomstick and rode home. I always thought it funny that my parents thought Quidditch unfit for me but they let me ride a broomstick. On the bright side, Harry and I were the only ones in school to own Firebolts.

Just thinking of Harry made me want to get home as fast as I could so I can write to him. Even if we'd see each other in two days, we still want to keep our conversation going. I need to ask him many many things. I smiled to myself just thinking of him.

I wanted to do something special to remember Alan Rickman. So I wrote this chapter. It may not be good and Alan deserves way more than this small dedication. He has been a part of my childhood and yours as well. However, this is all I can contribute to remember him. We will never forget him. He is now in a better place, no doubt smiling down at his family and us Potterheads. Now he sees how dedicated we are to Harry Potter and we shall let him know that he will never fade from our memory. Everyone passes, it's inevitable. But he will live on. To Alan Rickman everyone. To Snape. Forever in our hearts, never truly gone.

*raises wand*

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2016 ⏰

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