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This novel is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events, persons, or institutions is purely coincidental. While inspired by the dedication, sacrifices, and valour of those who serve in the armed forces, the characters, incidents, and dialogues are products of the author's imagination.

The author acknowledges the importance of accuracy and sensitivity in portraying themes related to patriotism, military service, and national security. However, artistic liberties have been taken for the sake of storytelling, and any deviations from reality are intentional and should not be interpreted as factual representations.

Readers are encouraged to approach this novel with an understanding that it is a creative endeavour aimed at exploring the complexities of human experiences within the context of a patriotic narrative. The author does not endorse or condone any illegal or unethical activities, and any opinions expressed within the novel are fictional and not reflective of the author's personal beliefs.

Furthermore, the author recognizes the diverse perspectives on military service, patriotism, and national identity. This novel is not intended to be a comprehensive or definitive account of such themes but rather a work of fiction designed for entertainment and thought-provoking reflection.

Thank you for embarking on this fictional journey with an open mind, appreciating the nuances of storytelling while respecting the real-life sacrifices made by those who serve in the armed forces.

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