|| Chapter 5: Matters of Heart ||

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In the midst of the usual chaos of coursework and drill, the last few days had proven to be unusually hectic for Naina. As she lay in bed, the moonlight gently bathing her room, her thoughts incessantly drifted back to the recent party where she had shared moments with Rajveer sir.

The ambience of the gathering had been electric, laughter, and music mingling in the air. Rajveer sir's presence had been a magnetic force, drawing her into a whirlwind of emotions. Despite the distractions of daily responsibilities, her mind stubbornly clung to the vivid memories of that evening.

The revelation, spoken in hushed tones beneath the shimmering moonlight, echoed in her mind. It had been three days since he had expressed his feelings, but Naina's heart remained in a state of constant flutter. The unexpected confession had added layers of complexity to their connection, leaving her grappling with a mix of excitement and uncertainty.

Each detail of the party replayed in her mind like a vivid tapestry – the soft glow of fairy lights, the subtle fragrance of flowers, and the rhythmic beats of the music that had provided a backdrop to their shared moments. The room, now silent and bathed in moonlight, became a canvas where the echoes of those fleeting encounters continued to paint her thoughts.

Yet, despite the chaos within, a sense of warmth lingered. Naina couldn't deny the connection that had been unveiled, and as she stared into the night sky, her heart carried the weight of unspoken emotions, waiting to find solace in the quietude of the moonlit night.

As Naina revisited that memorable evening, a blush painted her face, a vivid reflection of the emotions stirred within her. The revelation from Rajveer, sir, confessing that she was the reason he returned, wasn't entirely unexpected. However, what caught her off guard was the vocalization of his feelings.

The awareness of his affection had been a silent companion since their journey to Point 1857. The unspoken connection between them had gradually unfolded. Yet, the explicit expression of his love had taken her by surprise, casting a delightful yet bewildering spell on her heart.

Turning around, Naina discovered her roommate, Pooja, peacefully immersed in the arms of sleep. With a smile, she retreated into the cocoon of her own contemplations. Rajveer's confession lingered in the air, causing her heart to tremble with unspoken emotions.

The pivotal moment had been abruptly interrupted by the unexpected arrival of Captain Chauhan, a serendipitous intrusion that had spared her from responding in that vulnerable moment. The relief that washed over her then was palpable, grateful for the diversion that shielded her from navigating the complexities of Rajveer's heartfelt revelation.

Rajveer sir, perceptive of Naina's unspoken sentiments, hadn't anticipated a response. His understanding surpassed even her self-awareness. With a knowing smile, he effortlessly redirected the conversation.

However, it was the events during their journey back that etched a blush on Naina's face, lingering like a cherished secret in the corridors of her thoughts.

Tactfully manoeuvred into travelling with Rajveer sir in his jeep, Naina was subtly granted the sought-after solitude with her mentor. Though her friends' escape tactics were evident, she couldn't deny the secret longing for that exclusive moment with Rajveer sir. His words had stirred a pleasant turmoil in her heart, and the journey back unfolded as a cherished wish fulfilled in the company of the person who occupied her thoughts.

"A penny for your thoughts. " He had asked, a smile playing on his lips. She had responded with a smile and stayed silent.

Rajveer was an ace driver, and she knew it, having first hand experienced his skills behind the wheels. After his recent escapade, no one could deny it. But he had  purposefully been driving slow, as if he had wanted to prolong the shared moment between them.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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