|| Chapter 4: Corridors of Power ||

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Lala Gehlot, clad in a crisp navy blue suit, exuded an air of authority as he briskly walked through the echoing corridors of power. His polished shoes echoed against the marble floor, setting a steady rhythm. With each step, his expression remained stoic, betraying no hint of the questions racing through his mind.

His military background was reflected in the precise posture, and the gold insignia on his uniform glistened. The weight of responsibility sat squarely on his shoulders as the Defence Minister, yet a subtle determination shone in his eyes.

As he approached the Prime Minister's office, the hushed whispers of passing officials only added to the intrigue surrounding his meeting. Lala Gehlot's hand, adorned with a gold-rimmed watch, tightened around a confidential file he carried-a document that held the potential to unravel the mysteries entwined in the political corridors. The anticipation hung in the air as he reached the door, ready to face the enigmatic exchange that awaited him within.

Lala Gehlot entered the Prime Minister's office with a firm yet respectful nod, his demeanour radiating confidence. The Prime Minister, seated behind a large mahogany desk, acknowledged him with a welcoming smile.

"Prime Minister, thank you for granting me this audience," Gehlot began his voice a measured blend of formality and familiarity.

The Prime Minister reciprocated, "Lala, always a pleasure. What brings you here today?"

"Work as usual, Sir."

"Do take a seat, Lala. And do away with these formalities."

Gehlot smiled in a measured and formal manner and gracefully sat down in one of the plush chairs in front of the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister's secretary called for tea and left the two men alone.

"How are you doing, Lala?" The Prime Minister was nothing if not pleasant.

"I am good, Sir. I wanted to discuss the procurement of high-level aircraft from one of our allies. The plan has been in the pipeline for some time now, as you know." Gehlot's eyes, sharp and observant, briefly scanned the room before settling back on the Prime Minister.

"Ah! Yes. What do you have there? Let's see."

Lala Gehlot, maintaining his composed demeanour, produced a folder containing detailed plans for the procurement of high-level aircraft. He handed it to the Prime Minister, who leaned forward with a keen interest.

"Prime Minister, these aircraft come with advanced technology and capabilities. They would significantly enhance our defence capabilities, especially considering the evolving geopolitical landscape," Gehlot explained, his tone measured yet persuasive.

The Prime Minister, flipping through the documents, nodded thoughtfully. "Impressive. The timing indeed seems crucial for such an acquisition. How do you propose we move forward?"

Gehlot, seizing the opportunity, outlined a strategic plan for negotiations and potential collaborations with the ally. "I suggest we leverage our diplomatic ties and explore avenues for a mutually beneficial agreement. This not only strengthens our defence but also fosters a stronger alliance."

The Prime Minister, considering the proposal, looked up. "And the financial aspect? We need to ensure it aligns with our budgetary constraints."

Gehlot, displaying his expertise, provided a detailed breakdown of the financial implications and potential avenues for funding. "I've worked on a proposal that ensures fiscal responsibility while securing the best possible terms for our nation."

The Prime Minister, nodding approvingly, handed back the folder. "Well done, Lala. Proceed with the necessary steps. Keep me updated on the progress, and let's ensure this procurement enhances our national security."

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