Chapter 1

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3rd person pov

Rosemedow high
Monday 11:35 am

It's been a week after the fight between Jake and drew in the halls and two (2) days after the band competition.

The bell rang for lunch break and Jake, Hailey and Zander left their classroom and made their way to the club room to meet up with the rest of the club.

Jake started bringing food to school from home, since he doesn't have a reason to eat in the cafeteria anymore.

"Ohh I heard that there should be another band competition somewhere!"
Jake exclaimed excitedly.
Ever since they won that one band competition he can't stop talking about competing and winning more.

"This is like the 6th competition you mentioned competing in... calm down a little would ya?" Hailey said, rolling her eyes playfully. Winning the competition gave her a form of confidence in herself that she didn't have before. And in jake as well.

"Yeah chill out a little, we won once, doesn't mean we will win again." Zander said, visibly annoyed by Jake.

Jake turns around, walking infront of Hailey and Zander, backwards.
"Common Zander don't be a-"
Jake got cut off mid sentence by bumping into someone.

He turns around.
"Oh sorry, I didn't se-"
He tried to apologize but got cut off... again.

"Watch where your going.. freak"

Jakes eyes widen by hearing Drew's voice... drew calling him that, again.

Drew turns around, head normally held high as a sign of confidence is tilted down, his dark brown eyes staring right back at jakes.

"..don't.. call me that" jake defended.
Jake gets that drew might be mad at him about this whole situation, but that doesn't mean he'll let himself get called a freak.

"What are you going to do about it?"
Drew shot back, narrowing his eyes.

Drew was done with Jake, like he said he was. He wanted nothing to do with him anymore. But that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. Seeing him so happy with the people he got replaced by, seeing him move on so fast even tho they have been friends since freshman year.

But of course drew would never admit that.

"Just stop calling me that" jake said crossing his arms hoping drew would just go away.

He would walk away himself, but he didn't want to seem like he's running away from drew.
He can face his problems. Even if his problem is a certain magenta haired boy.

"When did you get such an attitude?"
Drew lift one eyebrow and looks jake up and down while crossing his arms, giving him the best bitch face he could muster.

"Been hanging around the freaks for to long I see" he says clearly still annoyed by this.

"Still an asshole I see" jake shot back, surprising not just himself but drew and the others too.

"Excuse me?" Drew tilts his head to the side, he's flabbergasted. Jake never called him an asshole, nor did he ever talk back like that, minus the fight.
Well he never called Jake a freak before, so he can't really talk.

"You heard me drew." Jake started to sweat a little. He was nervous but he stood his ground.

"You think you're all that, don't you huh?" Jake says challenging drew.

Henry and Liam who were standing behind drew, start shaking their head, telling him to stop.

But Jake doesn't listen.

"You want everything to be about you, you're a selfish person. If you can't have something you try to take it by force."

Drew lowered his head still keeping eye contact with Jake. His eyes narrow more with each thing jake said.

"That's the toxic thing about you drew. You're all bark but no bite."
Jake furrows his eyebrows, not daring to look away from Drew's eyes. A cold sweat runs down his back.

"So you want me to bite huh..?"
Drew says before punching Jake in the face.

He stumbles back, raising his hand to his nose, that's starting to bleed.
He touched it and wiped blood off from under his nose and looked at it.

Everyone around them was shocked.

Drew wasn't the type to get physical.
He normally attacks someone verbally.
Which can hurt more sometimes, depending on what you say and use against the person you want to hurt.

Jake had enough of Drew's bullshit, so he punched him back.

A smirk grew on Drew's face as he steps forward and pushes Jake to the ground, going on top of him and punching him on his lower jaw.

Jake grabs drew by the hair and Puls on it, pulling him down.
Drew sits on jakes chest, which is making it harder to breathe for Jake.

Drew takes his other hand and punches Jakes left cheek (face).

Jake knees Drew in the back trying to get him off, but it doesn't work.

Meanwhile a crowed started forming around them, watching the fight happen.

Liam tried to break it up, but he knew that no matter how loud he got to try and get their attention he won't come through to them, especially not drew.

A teacher came running towards them, trying to get through the crowd so that he can stop the fight.

He pushes the students to the side and runs over to them.

Jake gets one last hit on drew before the teacher hooks his arms under Drew's and Pulls him off.
Holding him back from running to Jake again.

Hailey crouches down next to Jake to see if he was okay.

"Oh my god.. jake are you okay?!"
Before Jake could answer the teacher yells at them.

"What is the matter with you two?!" He scolds.
"Both of you are coming to the principals with me right now!"

Drew stoped fighting back, letting his shoulders louse.

The teacher lets him go and starts heading towards the principals office, drew following behind him.
Jake got up, wiping the blood off of his face,
that came from his nose and busted lip.
He follows behind them, keeping a good distance between drew and him.

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