Chatper 2

170 1 1

Rosemedow high
Monday 11:47 am

3rd person pov

Jake and drew were both sitting in the principals office now. She was looking at them with an angered expression.

If there was one thing she didn't tolerate at her school was getting physical, in any sort of way.
Minus self defense of course.

Yet this wasn't self defense. This was just straight up a fist fight, that could have been very much avoided.

Jake was sitting there, sweating nervously, looking at the principal.

Meanwhile drew had his arms and legs crossed, head turned away from her, he had an annoyed and mad expression.

"So, while we wait for your parents to arrive, want to tell me what happened?"
She asked them both. Just getting off the phone with jakes mom.

Nether of them said a word, they sat there in silence.
Jake was waiting for drew to say something, for him to explain, he was the one who started it after all.

Yet drew stayed silent. He didn't feel like explaining himself, it's none of her business anyway.

"Not talking, will only make this worse, for both of you"
She looked at them back and forth, waiting for an explanation, that probably would never come.

"Fine. Have it your way. We'll just wait for your parents then." She said leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms. Still looking at both boys.

Jake glanced at drew, who was still turned way from him. He sighed.
He wondered how this situation escalated so badly.

After waiting for 10 minutes, jakes mom came rushing in, visibly worried.

She turned to jake.
"Oh my god, Jake are you okay?! What the hell happened?! Who did you get in a fight with?!" She asked, cupping jakes face and looking at it, seeing the bruises and the dried blood.

She glanced over to jakes other side, seeing the person who did this to her son.
But she was shocked with who she saw.
"Drew?" She asked, confused by this whole situation.
'They were best friends, what happened?'
She thought to herself.

She gave Jake that look, asking what happened between the two (2).
Jake gave her the look saying he'll tell her at home.

"You may take a seat while we wait for Drew's parents, mrs. Sterling" (idk how to spell his name) she gestured to the chair next to jakes.

She took a seat, crossing her legs and placing one hand on jakes leg for comfort.

It's been another 10 minutes and Drew's parents haven't shown up yet.

The principal and jakes mom start to get impatient.

After another 7 minutes, the principal was about to call Drew's parents again, till 2 people walked through the door.

A tall handsome man in a dark blue blazer, a White shirt and a matching blue tie.
Walking after him is a beautiful woman with short magenta hair that goes to her shoulders. She's wearing a white shirt and a tight black skirt that goes to her knees.

"We apologize for taking so long." The tall man apologized, walking over to stand behind drew. His mother takes the chair next to him and sits down.

"We are so sorry for our sons behavior, we promise that something like this won't ever happen again." She tells her, having a genuin expression on her face.

"Well I hope so, this goes for the both of you" she points to both Jake and drew.

"I will be suspending you both for a week, after that you both will have 2 weeks detention. Am I clear?" She crosses her arms again leaning back in her chair.

"Yes ma'am" jake says, looking down in shame. Drew only hums, acting like this is normal.

It annoyed jake on how little it seemed to bother drew.

"I hope this will never have to happen again. You may take your stuff and leave now."

Jakes mom stood up. "Common jake let's get your stuff and leave, okay?" She said walking to the door and holding it open for him.
Jake got up and waked out the door.
Jakes mom turned to Drew's parents.
"I'm sorry that this happened, you two were such good friends." She said Sympathic. But she was still mad at drew for having a fight with her son, no matter who started it, violence should never be the answer, In her opinion.

Drew still didn't look in their direction.
"We are sorry too." Drew's mom said.

(Underlined words are spoken in Spanish)

"Apologize drew, right now." Drew father spoke behind him in a stern tone.

"..I'm sorry." He said still not facing her.

She smiles and turns away, walking out the room. Jake and his mom start walking to her car.

"Get up now, we're going. You're in big trouble young man." Drew's mom said standing up form her seat.

She nods to the principal and walks to the door. Drew stands up and follows her, his dad right behind him.

"I have no idea what had gotten into you lately! You've been causing problems non stop! I'm so sick of your behavior! And this damn school hasn't been helping at all, it's just making your attitude worse!" She complained while walking to the car.

Drew just walked next to her in silence, not daring to speak, because when she's once like this, it's no use trying to talk to her, shell only get more mad.

"Maybe we should send him somewhere where he could learn some manners, what do you think honey?" She says head turning to her husband.

He only nodded. He's not much of a talker.

Exiting the school, the tree of them walk over to their car and get in.

"A friend of mine said their was this boarding school, she sent her son their and he came back like a whole knew man, maybe we should send him there." She suggested, her husband only nodded.

"Great it's decided! I'll ask her the name and we are signing you up, how does that sound Andrew?" She looks in the driver's mirror, looking at him.

It's not like he has a choice in this anyways.

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