Chapter 5

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Rosemedows boys boarding school
Tuesday 4:38 p.m.

Drew's pov

I slowly woke up after feeling the car slowly coming to a stop.
My eyes fluttered open and it took them a while to adjust.

I look out the window, the sun is still shining but it looks like it's about to set soon, so it can't be too late right now.

Looking ahead, there is a huge water fountain in the middle of the drive way.
There's a statue on the top where the water is coming from.
A mile or so ahead there are trees surrounding the whole area like a big fence.
From the gate at the entrance I assume there is one in between the trees.

My head slowly moves to the others side to look out the other window.
There is a huge building, that's looks like a sterile typical boarding school you see in movies or shows.

"Get out" my mother demanded.
I role my eyes but unbuckled my seat belt and got out of the car. I walked over to the truck and got out my bag.

I sighed.
I was not ready for this, and I'm still not, I don't want to be here, and all because I beat up Jake??
No this is to far and this went way to far.

I hear my mom walking to the entrance of the building, her high heals giving an obnoxiously loud sound with in contact with the gravel.

I throw my bag over my shoulder and Follower her.
I'm a few steps behind her as we walk up the stone stairs.

She opens the overly huge doors of the school and walks in, me right behind her.

As I step in, it's like a whole new atmosphere. It feel dark and gloomy, it feels sad.
It's not something you can describe, it's just a feeling that pulls you down.

My mom heads in and walks up to a nun.

"Excuse me, sister, can you show us the way to the head master? I'm here to enroll my son."
She explains to her.

As I stand behind her I look off to the side and see a stair way leading up.
A boy is standing there, looking right back at me.
He's wearing a uniform so I guess he's a l student as well.
He has a blank expression on his face, there no emotions visible, but a flame of sadness are visible is his eyes. His skin is as pale as a ghost, he has dark brown messy hair.

"Let's go Andrew" I snap my head back to look at her to look at hair, not realizing I've been staring for too long.

She and the nun start walking, I look back to the stairs, but he was gone.
I follow them.

The nun opens the door for me and my mom, I walk in and as I walk past her trough the door I nod my head in a quick thanks.
She shut the door and left.

I watch the door close and fall back into its lock.
My head turns and I look ahead.

My mom is sitting in one of the chairs facing an elderly man.
He was looking at me with a kind smile, gesturing to a chair placed next to the one my mom was sitting at, nudging me to sit down as well.

I take a Seat in the chair and place my bag next to me.

"Ah hello Andrew, I am father grace, I am happy to meet you."
He flashed me a smile.
I smile and nodded back.

I could feel my mom kick my foot, but she didn't look at me.

"It's nice to meet you too"
I gave a shy smile and looked down at my hands.
This is making me nervous.
I started playing with my fingers.

"You see father, my boy Andrew has been having some anger issues lately, he's been starting fights at school with other students and I'm starting to worry about him."
She says as she placed a hand on my head.

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