Chapter 7

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The library
Tuesday 5:28 p.m.

Drew's pov

It took me a few minutes to find the library.
It's all the way on the left wing, where Mika didn't show me around, so it was kinda difficult to find it.

Stepping in, I notice it's actually quit large.
When you walk through the door, the first thing you see is the reception, where the librarian is to shut you up when you talk too loud.

Over on the other side are a few group tables, for students to study.

Right now it's empty, no one's here.
Wich makes me wonder if it's even still open, but I guess if it wasn't the doors would have been locked.

I walk to where the rows of book shelves are. There are many different varieties you could pick from, like thrillers, romances and others.
Although having books were people get murdered in, in a Christian school, seems quit weird to me.
But what do i know.

I keep walking to look for something that would peek my interest, till I almost trip over someone.

Some guy was sitting on the floor leaned against a book shelf, what I assume can't be very comfortable and why the hell is this guy sitting on the floor??

He's reading a book, Japanese literature, from what I can tell, but it's way to dark to even read properly.

"The hell are you doing?" I asked, wich kinda slipped out, it's none of my business what  this guy is doing and frankly I don't even really care, I'm just kinda mad he's sitting in the middle of the way.

„You shouldn't say that word here,"
He started not looking at me even as he talked.
„Hell, I mean, he might punish you for it."
He finished, still reading his book, wich I am sure if he can't read, not because it's in Japanese, but more so you can't even see what's written on the pages.

„Who?" I think a already know who, but I like clarification, so I ask just to be sure.
Yeah I thought so.
Although it makes me wonder, is father grace the only guy adult here?

„Are there male teachers here too?" he looks up from his book and stares at me,
He has the exact same look on his face like he had when I first saw him.

„only the sisters and father."
I only noticed it now, but his voice is very monotone and empty,
Damn this guy must be depressed as shit.

„How come?" I'm not religious or anything and I have no idea how this works but this still seems rather odd to me.
It's probably normal for them through.

„Your asking an awful lot of questions."
He said looking back down at his book.
„You don't seem to bothered answering them." a smirk creeped onto my face, an eyebrow raised.

A chuckle came from him and he closed the book he was 'reading'.

„I'm sure you'll have a great year here." he said in a low tone, almost a whisper,he smiled.

I wanted to ask what he meant, since the way he emphasized 'great', but before I could I heard someone open the door.
My head turned in the direction out of Reflex from hearing a loud sound I didn't expect to hear.

But when I turned to look back at the boy, he was gone, again.

How the hell is he doing that, what?

The book he was reading was laying on the floor where he was sitting at just a moment ago.

I bent over and picked it up.

„The tainted sorrow", huh sounds depressing.
I placed the book back in its shelf.
A different book caught my eye.

„No longer human", huh it's in English so I could read it.
The covers kinda cool, I guess.

I turned the book around to read the description.


Damn.. the author must have been really depressed.

Sounds interesting enough, I'll read it.

Wait can I just take the book or do I have to ask someone first.

„Hello!" I loud voice came from behind me, direct next to my ear.

For the love of god.

I turned around fast, the book I was holding pressed against my chest.

„Are you new here?" he asked me with a bright smile on his face.

He had ash blond hair and eyes that shine as bright as the sun, almost blinding.

"How'd you guess." It wasn't really a question, its more of a sarcastic comment, since it's quit obvious how you could tell that I'm new, considering I'm not wearing the uniform even tho school ended almost only 40 minutes ago. of course I could have changed in that time frame, but seeing that most people I crossed on the way here still had their uniforms on, I doubt that anyone changes that fast.

It doesn't seem he caught onto my sarcasm though.
"I haven't seen you around before! Plus you're not wearing the school uniform!"
He basically screamed at me.

Does he have to be this loud and cheerful?

"The names Louis! I've been here for almost a week!" He flashed me a big smile.

So he's also fairly new here.

"Oh! Oh! What's your room number? Maybe we're neighbors!" He excitedly said, coming way too close to my personal space, so I backed away a little, taking to steps to get a little air between us.

"Now hold on-"
I try to calm this guy down, because this guy is way to happy and for what?

"My room number is 321! What's yours??" He inched closer  to my face, so close I could feel his breath hit against my face.

If this guy comes anymore closer we would be Eskimo kissing.

"Calm down, loud mouth!" I yelled back at it, since screaming is apparently the only language he understands.

His smile shrinks a little, now he just has a small grin.

"Hehe sorry, I'm just kinda excited to befriend someone who I'll be with the whole year." He rubbed the back of his neck. "All the other guys I met were all older and we're almost done with the year, no one wanted to be friends ether, wich is sad." He frowned at his last few words, but gave a big smile only seconds after.
"So do you want to be friends with me?"

He reminded me of Liam, he was a happy guy when I first met him too.

"..I guess,... making a few friends can't be too bad.." I told him, furrowing my eyebrows together and looking to the side.

"Yay!" He exclaimed and hugged me, out of nowhere!

I squeaked a little in surprise wich is embarrassing enough, but then this guy starts laughing.

Like excuse me?

A/N yes I am a bsd fan, sue me for it.
Sorry that the chapters weren't so long but the next ones might be longer.
My writing isn't the best so I'm sorry if some things are cringe.

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