(inspired by nation reborn by Scepter 2-1 actual on fanfiction)
a semi fallout fan who began at Fallout 3 was suddenly transported into the universe as the most memorable villains of all time. now with the knowledge from the games, some mods from HO...
Air: The Enclave's diverse air power fleet provides them with a range of capabilities, from transport and reconnaissance to air superiority and heavy assault. The incorporation of advanced and upgraded technologies reflects the Enclave's commitment to maintaining a powerful and versatile airborne force in the post-apocalyptic wasteland.
V-40 Trojan
F-64 Falcon Fighter
I-34 Interceptor:
F-90 Eagle 6th gen Stealth Fighter:
CH-42 Orca:
A-40 Thunderhog
Patton-class 'Raptor' Assault Airship
Macarthur-class 'Thunderhead' Airship
Roosevelt-class Flying Battleship
(There will be no Sea Navy ships yet, but it is coming. and the Airships are built WAY later.)