6 months later

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It was fuzzy. Almost like time was slowing down for the first time. I could hear the painful screams of my friends. Alive and dead. All that death. All the nightmares. All we've been through. Will finally be over. After all this time. I was in and out. Waiting to meet my maker. As my eyes closed I saw flashes of everything. Being with my parents. Being with my friends. Being with Logan and Will. I saw flash after flash of Logan and I. Random moments that I didn't think I remembered until now. Logan. My love. Logan. Just as I was about to let go I relized something. Dennis killed my step dad before we got to make up. This Psycho may be my blood but he's not my dad. My parents deserved to live. The same way everyone deserves to live. I deserve a fucking chance to live. If I die it's because I gave up and if I give up that means all those people died for no fucking reason. I'm not about to die because of some asshole who gets off by wearing a pig mask. Im going to live.

I moved my hand slightly and felt the pocket knife on side of me. I took it out slowly then opened it. I opened my eyes and said in a whisper "when you get to hell tell Ethan and Caleb that Lolita fucking won I'm the smart one."I said this then plunged the knife into his neck. His eyes widened then his grip let go. Blood splattered all over my face but I didn't care. I took a huge breathe then pushed Dennis body off me. I stood up and looked at him. His eyes are still open but he's not breathing. "You know what they say like father like daughter" I said as I dropped the bloody knife.

As soon as he stopped breathing. I stood up.I stumbled to Will and helped him up. "Son of a bitch my head hurts" he said. "Is he" Zoe said. "He's dead" I said looking at his now dead body. "My parents are dead because of him" Will said. "Mine too" I said. Logan somehow managed to get up and we all hugged. Tears streaming down all of our faces. This was it. After years of being trapped in this cage we were free. "Logan help me" Will said. They picked up Dennis body and put him back in the house. Will pulled out a lighter and set the house on fire. We watched as it went up in flames. "This is for everyone who died due to these fucking losers especially our friends" Zoe said. "Forever 17" I said as I watched the whole house go up in flames.

6 months later

We all stayed in the hospital for a few days to make sure we were okay. The doctors recommended therapy but we flipped them off. No amount of therapy will fix what we went through but on the bright side They tore the house down once and for all. I personally talked to the mayor and told him that id burn down anything that they built and after screaming and threatening to pepper spray him we agreed that it's ovinouly not a good area for anything to be in. So it's going to stay how it is. It will be left alone the way it should be.I decided to drop of out college and move back to Ohio. My goodbye with Will was sad. But it needed to happen. I wanted him to be with someone who could love him fully. I needed to be with Logan and we both knew that.I was studying to be a vet but I never want to see blood again in my life so that's out now. I moved in with Logan and starting working at his mom's new bed and breakfast. After the fire she got a great insurance claim and was able to open an even better one. Will also dropped out of school to go on a 12 month camping trip around the states. He said he needed time to figure out himself again. As for Zoe she switched schools and moved back to go to Ohio state university.

I was sitting in the living room with a horrible headache. "I feel horrible" I said. Logan had his arm around me then starting rubbing my head. "You need to take some Tylenol" he said. Just then I felt extremely nauseous. I jumped out and ran to the bathroom to puke. "Lola are you okay" he asked. I looked under the sink and grabbed the extra pregnancy test I had. 2 months ago we had a scare so we keep an extra one around. I took it fully expecting nothing. But sure enough I saw two blue lines. Oh my god. "Baby" Logan said as he walked into the bathroom. He looked at the test in my hand. "We're having a baby" I said. "Holy shit" Logan said with a huge smile. "We're going to be parents oh my god" I said as I cried tears of joy.

Wills pov
I've been traveling for the last 6 months. I've been to different national parks. I've gone on hikes. I've had so much time with nature it's been the best experience of my life. I haven't talked to anyone other than Zoe and random people I've met along the way. We talk on the phone everyday to check in. I'm currently at my camp site eating my dinner. I decided to call Zoe. "Hey" I said. "Hey what's up" she asked. "Nothing I'm eating dinner" I replied. "How is it" she asked. "The best canned beans can be" I laughed. We talked about how both of our days were to eachother. She's been studying her ass off to get good grades in school and she started working at our local diner part time. At first it was purely friendship for the both of us but after a few weeks of talking I started to feel something for her again. I didn't bring it up. I was still mourning the loss of someone who was alive and well. At first being without Lola was the most painful thing I've felt but it did get better. Not all the way but the pain did ease up. I wanted to ask Zoe how she was doing but I never did. I almost didn't want to know. I hope she's okay. Days passed. Then weeks. Zoe and I continued to talk. My feelings for her got stronger. Im sitting in my tent wide awake.

My heart is beating. My heart is pounding. For Zoe Calvin the way it did when I was 17.

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