Two words

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The next morning I woke up to the smell of coffee. I looked over and Will was still asleep. I went downstairs and saw Logan pouring himself coffee. "Since when do you drink coffee" I asked. He looked up and smiled. "Once I started working" he said then made me a cup. "You still like it the same" he asked. "Yes" I replied. He put two creamers and a sugar just how I liked it. He handed me my cup and our hands touched briefly. He looked at me like he wanted me to say something. I cleaned my throat then said. "I'm going sit on the back porch". "You want company" he asked. "Sure" I said then walked to the back door. We sat down on the back porch and I sighed. "What are we going to do" I asked. "I wish I knew" Logan replied. "So you and Will" Logan asked. "Yeah" I said. "Wow I didn't expect you to say you were with him out of all people" he said. "Did you think I was going to be single" I asked. "No but I was hoping" he said. "Well how about you" I asked. "I dated a few girls but nothing serious nothing like you" he said. I looked down feeling awkward. "Shit I'm sorry I didn't mean to make it weird" he said. "It's okay it doesn't have to be weird we can be friends I mean we were friends to began with" I said. "Best friends" Logan said. "Besties forever" I said with a laugh. "What a time it was" he said. "Then everything got so fucked up" i said. "I thought this was all over" I said. "What time is it" I asked. Logan pulled out his phone and I glanced down at it. "7:23" he said. "You never changed your lock screen" I said. It's still the same picture of us at graduation. "Nope" he said. "Why not" I asked. "Why would I" he asked. "Well it's been so long" I said. "Time didn't change anything for me" Logan said. I looked up and he didn't take his eyes off me. We both started leaning closer. Right before our lips touched I stopped. "It's been 3 years Logan move on" I said then stood up and went inside. "Lola I'm sorry" he said. "I love Will now, that's just how it is so please don't try anything" I said then walked inside

"Hey I didn't know you were up" Zoe said while pouring herself some coffee. "Yeah I've been up for a little while" I said then sat down. "I didn't think you would ever become an early riser" Zoe said while sitting next to me. "Yeah well things change I guess" I said. "You're telling me" she said with a sigh. "So did you tell him yet" Zoe asked. "Tell who what" I asked then took a sip of my coffee. "I mean did you tell Will that you still love Logan" she asked. I spit out the coffee back into the cup then wiped my mouth. "I haven't heard from him in 3 years trust me I moved on" I said. "You might have but he didn't" she said. "Well he's going to because I'm taken" I said. "Goodmorning" Will said from behind me. He kissed me on the cheek then sat on the other side of me. Just then Logan walked inside. "Good everyone's up" Logan said then sat down across from the three of us. "Fuck"Logan said while looking at his phone. "What" I asked. "Three more bodies showed up" Logan said. "Where" Zoe asked. "One was behind the super market, the other was an in a random alley, and the last one was by the river" Logan said. "Why would he kill random people" Will asked. "He wants us to know he's coming" I said. "But why what the fuck did we do" Zoe asked. "Well Ethan started it because Lola rejected him and Caleb did it because Ethan died but I don't know who else it could be" Logan sighed. "What if it's someone that Zach and Danielle knew" Zoe said. "Yeah but who" Will asked. "It could be anyone" I said. "This is so fucked up" Will said. "So what do we do" I asked. "Well we could act like we don't know or we can try and find him" Logan said. "And why the shit would we want to find a killer" Zoe asked. "Maybe so we don't die" Logan snapped. "How though" I asked. "Set a trap" Logan said. "Hold on Fred Jones lets think about this like actual people and not a stoner and a dog" Will said. "Fred wasn't a stoner that's shaggy" Logan said. "Does that really matter at this exact moment" Will asked. "I'm just saying that the joke didn't make since so why make it" Logan said. "Alright Zack and Cody now is not the time" Zoe snapped. "Maybe Logan's  right" I said. "He is" Zoe  and Will asked at the same time. "Yeah I mean one of us could be bate then we jump him once he comes" I said with a shrug". "That's a good way to get sliced up" Zoe  said. "I say we wait it out" Zoe said. "I'm with Zoe on this one" Will said. Logan and I said nothing. "Let's agree to not do anything stupid" Will said while looking at me and Logan. "Fine" I said. "Okay whatever" Logan replied. "Alright well I'm going for a jog" Will said. "I'm going see my mom and dad" Zoe said. "I was planning on grabbing some more clothes from my apartment" Logan said. "I need to shower" I said.

Will and I went back to our room and he put on different clothes. "I won't be long" Will said. "Okay I love you" I said. "I love you too" Will said then gave me a quick kiss. After he left I went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I heard Zoe leave then Logan. Luckily our room has a bathroom so I didn't have to go far. I locked the door that leads to our room and the door that leads to the hallway. Once the water was warm enough I undressed and got in. "I needed to loose you to love me" I began to sang while washing my hair. "This dancing was killing me softly" I sang. But then I heard something. I stopped moving and listened. It sounds like someone's walking around. "Logan" I yelled. Nothing. "Zoe" I yelled. No answer but I heard movement. "Will" I yelled. Once again nothing.I turned off the shower then got out. I quickly put on my robe and looked around for my phone. "Logan" I yelled again.No answer. I heard more movement so I didn't move. Just then the door knob that leads to our room started moving. By that time I realized my phone was in the room. I knob turned until it couldn't anymore thanks to the lock. Then everything went silent. I actually thought things were okay but then someone spoke.

"Come on Lola I just want to talk" an unfamiliar voice said. My heart started racing and I began to panic. "Let me in" the person yelled than started banking on the door. Before I knew it the lock to the door gave out. As soon as one door swung open I ran out the other while screaming. "Logan" I screamed.I was running as far as possible when I ran into something. "Shit no please" I yelled. "Lola it's me" Logan yelled. I looked at him then hugged him. "Someone someone someone else was here" I yelled. "Who" he asked. "They were in my room" I cried. "It's okay I'm here" he said while hugging me. I hugged him back then looked at him. "Thank you" I said. "No problem" he said while looking back at me. That's when I noticed it. The way Logan looks at me. It's the same way he looked at me 3 years ago. "You never stopped" I said. I was referring to him loving me. "How could I" he said. I knew he knew what I was talking about. "Years have passed" I said. "The only thing that felt like years was our time apart but now it doesn't feel like any time has passed" he said. "I wanted you to come back" I said. "Why didn't you come back" I asked. "I don't know I know I should have" he said. He was still holding me. We were just looking at each other. Then someone cleaned there throat. I looked down stairs and saw Will. "Am I interrupting something" he asked. I pulled away from Logan quickly then walked down the stairs. "No Logan was helping me because I was scared" I said. "Why were you crying" Will asked. "I was in the shower and I heard an unfamiliar voice in our room and whoever it was was trying to come in" I said. "What the fuck" Will said. By this time Logan was downstairs with us. "Yeah man I came home and heard here screaming then she ran down the hallway" Logan said. The three of us went into the room and it was a mess. Our clothes were everywhere and everything in my purse had been poured out. "What the hell" Logan said. I grabbed my phone and gasped. "What's wrong" Will asked. I showed him the new pictures on my phone. It was someone in a pig mask. They were live pictures and you could hear me screaming in the background. "So while I was screaming that dick was taking pictures on my fucking phone" I yelled.

Zoe got home a little while later and we filled her in on the events that took place."We're all clearly stressed so I have a suggestion". "So what are you saying" Logan asked. And that's when Zoe said a sentence that I never fucking thought she'd say. "Two words strip club" she said with a smile.

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