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You just have to learn to forget about the people, who forgot about you~ROLEX


The ride was quiet and the 'fanta' tasted good. I didn't really like the Chips so I just drank the fanta plus this was the first time I was eating something so sweet.

I wish it wasn't under the circumstances.

Ariana tried to start a conversation with me but Mike growled at us and told us to be quiet.

I could hear myself think and I didn't like it one bit. Plus Melody won't talk to me since I got caught so I settled down with finding interest in everything my eyes caught.

I've been staring outside with my head resting on the cold window. I was trying to memorize the routes but it seems like all the trees came from the same mother and this car wasn't exactly slow.

I've been a rogue all my life and never have I come across such tall identical trees.

Sighing loudly, I turned over to Ariana and I saw how she stared at the window emotionlessly.

Nudging her slightly, she turned towards me. I gave her a small smile and then she pulled me forward and gave me a hug.

It felt really good. She smelled of a meadow filled with daisies and sunflowers.

Sighing I tried to imprint her scent in my mind. Though this might be the last time we stay together, I really hope everything turns out fine and above all I really hope we survive.

Ariana rubbed my back while I adjusted to be in a more comfortable position before I finally dozed off.


The car came to an abrupt stop jerking me awake. Sitting up, I rubbed my eyes wearily.

Soon the door was forced open and I was grabbed roughly by my arm. Mike held Ari and I and began to walk towards north.

This was it.

My end has finally come.

I wonder if I'm going to die painfully slow or painlessly fast.

I'll go for option two which I think it's faster and easier.

My thoughts came to an abrupt end when my feet suddenly felt numb.

Looking down, I discovered we were in a dungeon. This place was worse than the other dungeon and I suddenly wished I was back in the other dungeon.

The smell of rotten flesh wafted through my nostrils and I swallowed the urge not to throw up the wonderful meal I just had in the car.

Jingling of keys followed by a clang of metal and then thump!

That was me and Ariana on the floor.

Mike here just tossed us like we were a bag of chips and then the clang of metal before the jingling of the keys followed by hard footsteps stomping away.

"Finally" Ariana said as she sat down on the floor.

Sitting beside her, I stared at the wall emotionlessly.

"Cheer up, I didn't get to finish the mating lessons" Ariana said nudging me.

I don't think I might need mating lessons plus we have less than an hour to live.

Of course, I didn't say that out loud and have my head chopped off by Ariana so I nodded for her to continue.


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