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I am not scared of dying, I just don't want to!~ROLEX


"Here wear this"

Nodding I took the dress from Ari and walked into the bathroom to change.


I lost count at fifteen and I really hope this was the 'perfect dress'.

Back in camp, I had about three dresses, two t-shirts, a pant and a pair of sneakers that got lost when I escaped from a few male rogues.

They were all hand downs given to us by the elders in the pack. Even the few underwears I owned.

Some of the elders were banished from pack lands and they never told us anything about pack life but they taught us a few words especially names of herbs and what each and every one of them is used for.

"Bloom, what's taking you so long?"

"I'm coming"

Hurriedly slipping on the dress, I sent a silent prayer to the moon goddess before stepping out.

Ari gasped while I sighed.

"You look beautiful"

I smiled and said a silent thank you.

"Girls! Time for dinner"

"That's mom. Sounds weird saying it out in front of..."Ari muttered as she left to the other room called a glowset.

'It's closet'

'Oh thanks'

'It's for mate to like us so you have to get each word correct'

And then she blocked me out.

"Here you go" said Ari handing me a pair of flats.

I bit down my lip as I remembered Har's flat.

I slipped it on before Ari tensed slightly.


And I gulped as I felt the tingling sensation against my skin.

'Mate's here' Mel yelled happily while I stood there nervously wiping my sweaty hands on the black dress.

"Ari! Bloom! Come on, dinner's ready"

"Coming mom" Ari replied and then swallowed before taking in deep breaths and then grabbed my hand pulling me along with her.

Here goes nothing....



Xerox's POV

To be sincere, I didn't want to see my mate but her scent was alluring and that's what I've realized I'm addicted to.

I'm beginning to see blueberries in a different light.

I didn't sleep around like most unmated males but I wasn't a virgin either.

But Xavier's been a little jumpy and his behavior is beginning to annoy the shit out of me.

Normally, he's a man--- I mean a wolf of a few words but now he was acting so jumpy and excited.

The only thing that made us happy was torturing.

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