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We should love, Not fall in love...Because everything that falls, gets broken...~ROLEX


I winced again as Coral dabbed the wound with a green herb that was already turning red.

"I'm done now" said Coral tidying up her medicinal herbs and equipments away.


When she was done packing, she was about to leave when she turned around to look at me.

"Can I talk to you for a while?"

"Yes, of course" I said immediately.

Apart from Coral's regular medical check-up, I don't talk to anyone.

Dean brings every meal for me and I'm surprised Dean hasn't sniffed out the scent of the baby yet and it's been about three to four months.

Trust me, being in a pack is less stressful than being a rogue.

I tried counting the sunrise and sunset but lost counts at some point.

Every single time Dean leaves the tent, he always says you'll be mine soon and then he's gone.

What scares me the most is the desire backed up with determination I always see in his eyes.

Coral began to adjust her clothes making me shift in distress.

"What are you doing?" I asked but instead she ignored me

"I'm going to ask you a question and I want a sincere answer, okay?"

I nodded in response.

"If your mate were to come here right now and should say that he wants to take you home, will you go with him?"

I hesitated at first.

I mean even if I end up escaping this place, I'll go back to a house where my mate would avoid me like a plague.

Did I really want that?

Dean usually cares for me.

Did I say usually?

He's always there for me.

I mean I just had a scratch; nothing too deep but not too shallow as well.

And the next thing I know is that Coral rushes in with her equipments and then began to patch it up.

Coral was still staring at me.

No matter what, love your mate with everything you own.

"I will" I said finally breaking the silence.

"You mean you'll still move in with him after everything he's done to you?"

"Yeah, isn't that what mates are all about? Loving each other no matter what"

"Dean killed harmony"


"Dean killed your best friend in cold blood" said Coral a few tears already rolling down her cheeks.

Coral stood up and then walked towards the tent entrance.

Was she just gonna leave?

She looked outside and then shouted something to someone before coming back in and resuming her previous position.

"I know you're pregnant. Three months along if I'm to be exact"

My eyes went wide.

Shit, she knew I was pregnant.

"Are you gonna tell Dean?"

"Are you crazy? Dean would kill that baby just like he killed his mate"

"Who was his mate?"



"Dean has always had a thing for you since when we were in camp. He couldn't get you since you were engaged so he went ahead and murdered Devin. About 80% of the pack didn't want to get ruled by him so they all left. Your dad was about to leave but then something came over him because the next we see is your father on the ground, a knife placed in his chest. It was awful, bloom"

She sniffed making me dab my eyes as well.

Dean killed my father.

He wasn't the perfect father but I wasn't perfect either.

Thanks to Dean no one is ever going to walk me down the aisle.

'That is if there's a wedding' Mel said with a scoff.

"When harmony returned and you didn't, he went crazy on her. Everyone in camp could hear her screams but he didn't stop till it was morning. We have never met in camp before because Harmony said you were always with the older ones but be rest assured I'm not letting what happened to harmony happen to you as well"

"Why do you still work for him?"

"Because Harmony asked me too. When she was on her death bed she made me promise to make you happy even if I never knew you at that time"

Coral stared at me, her eyes red and swollen, "In the next two days, I'm gonna help you escape"


And then into my ear went the most genius plan I've ever listened too.

Ari needed to come take lessons from Coral.

"And this is going to work?"

"I'm a healer, bloom. Have a little more faith in me"

Oh she doesn't know how much of faith I do have in her.



I have to get back to camp before the sun rises but first...

I stopped at the end of the border. A pack warrior walked up to me.

"I'm not in your land but tell the Alpha I'll like to speak to him"

"I'm the beta. Relay any information to me and I'll send it over to him"

"I said I would like to speak to the Alpha. If this would capture your interest his mate, bloom isn't as she is in that poster"

"Fine I'll call the Alpha"

I watched him walk away.

Soon the scent of power and dominance filled up my senses.

"You said you wanted to see me" said Alpha Xerox putting on a shirt.

He looked sweaty and hot.

How much bloom would have loved this if she was here.

"Alpha" I said bowing my head.

"Alpha Xerox, I know the whereabouts of your mate but I want to be sure you'll never sell her off again"

"That would be over my dead body"

"Good, in about three days time your mate is going to be marked and I've got the perfect plan. I'll help you get your mate back but I want my price to be that you'll wear this on your babies when they're born" I said handing him two necklaces that Harmony specially made.

He took it and then clenched his jaw.

"He hasn't touched them yet. But I won't be able to do anything when he marks her so here's the plan"

And then just as the sun set beyond the horizon, I was seen conversing with an Alpha who would do anything for his mate.

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