When all the techs came to work the next morning, they quickly saw that there was a motorcycle parked at the employee parking lot, the motorcycle was mainly purple with yellow flames.
Miko: Woah, cool bike.
High Five: It must be the new girl's.
Mitch: ( scoffs ) A bit tacky. If you ask me-
???: ( off-screen, calmly: ) I don't talk bad about your rides, don't talk about mine.
The techs turned to see a girl in a mainly yellow and purple outfit and with a purple helmet with cat ears covering her face. She then took off her helmet and shook her hair back into place, before she looked at her new coworkers with a blank expression.
Vi: ( calmly: ) Name's Vi, Vi Violet. I assume you were all informed about my arrival?
High Five: Uh, yeah. Hi I'm-
Vi: I know who you all are, I read all your files before I was assigned here. Now if you excuse me... ( Mainly to herself: ) Let's move.
Vi then calmly walked inside the store before anyone could respond to what she said. They all had somewhat confused looks on their faces.
Miko: Uh... Was she telling us to move or...?
Mitch: Great, another weirdo.-
Vi: ( off-screen: ) I can still hear you, Williams.
( A few minutes later, at the Headquarters )
Vi was now in uniform and she was standing beside BITT's desk as she was adjusting her gauntlet when Miko and Five went up to her.
Miko: Is what BITT told us about you true? Did you really take down 3,4580 glitches over the years you've been a glitch tech?
Vi: ( blankly, without taking her eyes off her gauntlet as she was making sure that everything was working properly: ) Yes.
High Five: That's so cool! How did you take down so many glitches?
Vi: By just doing my job and doing it by the book. Now if you excuse me, I need to go out on patrol.
Vi began walking away from the duo, she heard Miko yell something out to her, but she didn't pay attention to what she said. Vi just calmly went to the locker room to grab her helmet before she went outside and to her motorcycle.
A few minutes after Vi drove off, she got a glitch alert for a glitch that was close by on her gauntlet. She quickly began heading to the glitch's location.
When she got to the glitch's location, she saw that the glitch was rummaging through dumpsters in an alleyway, luckily for her, there was no one around to see the glitch.
Vi: ( to herself: ) Let's move.
Vi calmly parked her motorcycle, before walking into the alleyway. She then snapped her fingers, making some kind of force field block the entrance, trapping herself and the glitch in the alleyway. The glitch was some kind of giant, four legged reptilian monster that was the size of a large dog with dark green scales and blood red eyes.

Glitch or Not
Fanfiction- Disclaimer - I don't own the characters or Glitch techs or the cover, I only own my oc Before you read: This takes place after Season 2. Intro: Due to the number of incidents that happened at Bailey Hinobi store, the Bailey techs get a new Glitch...