Chapter 12: The Skill Trainer

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It was the end of the day, Vi and Mitch had come back to the headquarters from their last patrol around the town. Five, Miko, and the other techs watched with somewhat surprised looks as they weren't expecting the two techs to seem to get along. Strawberry was happily following Vi and Mitch with her tail wagging.

Miko: Hey, Vi-Vi, how was being stuck with Mitch all day?

Vi: It wasn't as bad as you all you thinking. ( Playfully, with a smile: ) Sure, he's rude, self-absorbed, selfish, cares more about winning, and a complete egotist...

Mitch: ( To Vi, with a slightly annoyed expression: ) Do you really have to list things about my personality.

Vi: Yes. ( To the other techs: ) But we surprisingly make a good team. ( Fake whispers to the team, with a genuine smile: ) Plus I get to mess with him a few times by striking the glitch's weak point before he could.

Mitch: ( glares at Vi: ) I heard that.

Vi: ( To Mitch, with an honest smile: ) I know.

The other techs were in shock at hearing this, Mitch rolled his eyes in response while Vi was unfazed by it as she handed Strawberry to Mitch, who didn't mind.

Vi: I'll see you guys later. Oh, by the way, Miko, Five, Zahra, Haneesh, once I recover from the pain in my shoulder, we will be continuing the training sessions from where we left off.

Miko, Five, Zahra, and Haneesh's expressions paled slightly in response while Vi just calmly walked away as they remembered that the last training session with Vi was that they had to predict her giant feline companion pet's fight pattern.

Mitch: ( to Miko, Five, Zahra, and Haneesh: ) Seriously? Omen's not that bad.

Miko: He's you as a cat.

( A few minutes later, with Vi )

Vi walked into the Skill Trainer's lab, which was filled and after being in the room for only a few seconds, she jumped out of startlement when she turned her head to see Emma standing right in front of her with a excited smile on her face, this caused the combat specialist's cat ears and tail to suddenly appear along with her cute small cat fangs in response to her being startled. Vi then quickly backed away from Emma and hissed at her, her tail frizzed and stood up in response.

Emma: Oops, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I was just so excited to finally meet you!

Vi slowly calmed down at Emma's apology.

Emma: Never in my whole career did I ever thought I would see a real TG tech. But here you are!

Vi: Uh, yeah. You wanted to talk to me about something?

Emma: Oh, yes. I wanted to make sure you were doing alright, sense I heard about what happened yesterday.

Vi: ( with a slightly worried and sad frown: ) Oh, yeah. I, uh, know the drill.

Emma then suddenly pulled up a chair and had Vi sit in it, Vi's tail curled around her leg and Vi looked at Emma in surprise.

Emma: ( with an honest smile: ) Don't worry, I'm not here to scold you or anything about what happened, like the previous trainers you've met.

Vi: But I caused a situation that made my coworkers worried by doing something reckless.

Emma: From what I've seen on the footage from your gauntlet, it was only an accident, and you were protecting your pet. You couldn't have known that you were going to go unconscious.

Vi looked at Emma with shock and confusion in her eyes, while Emma just gave her a kind smile.

( Slight time skip )

Vi's cat features were now gone and she was silent as Mitch was now giving her and Strawberry a ride home to her apartment as Vi had finished talking with Emma, but Mitch was somewhat curious about why the skill trainer wanted to talk to the combat specialist, which Vi knew by the curious look in his eyes as he made a few glances at .

Vi: ( calmly: ) It's classified, Mitch...

Mitch: I didn't even say or ask anything about it.

Vi: You were thinking about asking, I could tell by the look in your eyes.

Mitch: I have no clue what you are talking about.

Vi: Uh-huh, sure, Hotshot. Relax, she just wanted to check up on something on....Omen. 

Mitch glanced at her with a raised brow before deciding to let it be and went back to keeping his eyes on the road as he changed the subject.

Mitch: So, what's with your obsession with energy drinks?

Vi: ( honestly: ) They remind me of something I used to drink when I was a kid. Plus it helps keep myself awake and battle ready.

Mitch: Phil wasn't kidding when he said that you take your job too seriously.

Vi: You're one to talk, Hotshot.

Once they got to the apartment building, Vi picked Strawberry up before she got out of the van and closed the door behind her, she glanced at Mitch with a calm expression.

Vi: Thanks for the ride to work and back. But you didn't have to.

Mitch: Yeah, well, I didn't want to risk you taking off on your bike to get yourself unconscious again.

Vi chuckled and shook her head at Mitch's statement before she walked to the apartment building's entrance as Mitch drove off.

Mitch groans with a slight blush on his face as he caught himself glancing at the combat specialist through the rearview mirror while he drove off from the apartment building.

Mitch: ( silently, to himself: ) Great. Just great. I caught feelings for the noob.

( With Vi )

Vi went into her apartment, and placed Strawberry down on the floor after closing the door behind them. Vi then let her cat ears and tail come out after she locked the front door, causing Strawberry to try to play with Vi's tail.

Vi: ( chuckles ) Mama's tail isn't a toy, berry. Now, let's get your brother out to stretch his legs.

Vi then summoned Omen from her gauntlet and he quickly shrinks himself down to the size of a large dog as soon he appeared. Vi laughs slightly as Strawberry play tackled Omen as soon she saw him, and the two began play with each other.

Vi: ( thoughts: ) Maybe... This time will be different... Maybe.


That's it for this chapter, I hope you like it

Feel free to comment on what you think about Mitch catching feelings for our favorite combat specialist.

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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