Chapter 14: Surprise ( Very Short )

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It was now the end of the day, and Vi was in the locker room with Miko and Zahra.

Zahra: So, Vi, how was chasing that cheetah glitch?

Vi: ( groans ) ( as she is opening her locker: ) Annoying. But, luckily Omen was able to-

When Vi opened her locker to see a bouquet of purple and yellow flowers and a note, the combat specialist looked at the note and flowers in surprise before smiling.

Miko: Looks like somebody's got a secret admirer.

Vi: ( while looking at the note and keeping it away from the other two girls so they couldn't see what's on it: ) It's not really secret, sense I know who it is.

Vi then puts the note in her pocket and grabs the bouquet before closing her locker as Miko and Zahra look at her curiously.

Zahra: Really? Who?

Vi: That's classified.

Miko: What?! How is it classified?

Vi: Because I like to keep my love life private.

Vi then walked out of the locker room with a genuine smile and the bouquet in her arm as she pulled out her phone and sent a text to Mitch.

Vi: ( thoughts: ) You challenge the guy to surprise you, and he really does surprise you. Maybe he's not a big of a self-absorb guy then I thought.


That's it for this chapter, I hope you like it

Feel free to comment on what you thought about the bouquet that was left in Vi's locker.

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2024 ⏰

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