Chapter 2

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Armaan was panicking on finding out Abhira hadn't returned home, he had called her 50 times by now but she wasn't picking the call after 3 tries it started stating the phone was switched off.

Armaan left Poddar house and went to her college to check on her only to find out that no student was left in the college and the security said that Abheera had fainted and a guy took her away.

Armaan went to every single hospital in search of Abheera by the time he was done with the 1st hospital tears started flowing down his eyes. He just wanted to see his Abheera, he will fall at her feet and apologize to her but now all he wanted was her, and her alone.

He had checked all the hsopitals in the surrounding and he didn't find Abheera, to make things worse Abheera had no friends in college from what she had told him.

Armaan went back home hoping Abheera would come back, on his way back all of Abheera's memories came to his mind and he was slowly realising how badly he had fucked up, he realised he never took prevention, he always tried to cure.

He should have never left anyone hurt Abheera, he should have never supported Ruhi over Abheera. He should have never encouraged Ruhi, he was the fucking problem, not Ruhi, not Abheera, he was the problem here, he was so busy trying to be perfect and make everyone happy, that he forgot he can't make everyone happy, Abheera was the only one who fucking cared about him and what did he do, he hurt her like a dumb ass.

Armaan reached home, he saw the entire family sitting in the hall, everyone were laughing and talking about something, he didnt find Madhav in the group so he ignored everyone else and was going to Madhav's room, only for Dadi sa to call him,

"Armaan come join us, and where did you go,"Dadi sa asked, but on seeing Armaan's red eyes she became slightly concerned, Armaan was her key to success and Rohit was the heir to everything, she cannot afford to lose him, after all he has to make things easier for Rohit when he returns.

Everyone saw Armaan's red eyes and tear stained face, the cousins got worried for him and immediatley went near him, but Armaan just walked away, he needed to find Abheera nothing else was his concern at this time.

He went to Madhav's room ignoring everyone's call,

"Papa I need your help," Armaan said walking into the room without knocking while everyone else froze outside wanting to know what the actual hell wass happening.

"Armaan, what is it?.... wait did you cry what happened beta," Madhav asked,

"Abheera is missing please help me find her, I am requesting you, do anything but find her," said Armaan, Madhav nodded and made some calls,

"Don't worry beta we will find her, or she will come home on her own, what if she had some other work," asked Madhav,

"No, she is missing I am sure about that, the watch man said she fainted and was taken away by some guy, I searched every single hospital in the surroundings and all the famous hospitals I couldn't find her," said Armaan, he sounded broken, Madhav placed his hand on Armaan's shoulder only for Armaan to hug him tightly and begun sobbing real hard.

"I am scared papa, what if something has happened to her? What if Yuvraj managed to kidnap? She called me during work hours and I didn't pick up, I should have thought she never calls me unless and until it is emergency, " sobbed Armaan

Madhav comforted Armaan soon the youngster cam and hugged Armaan as he sobbed the others just stood their watching.

Ruhi was scared, what if Armaan found out about what she did.

"Armaan, that girl is now the daughter-in-law of Poddar house no one would have kidnapped, I am sure she must have went somewhere without informing," said Sanjay annoyed seeing Armaan cry for that girl.

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