Chapter 4

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A/N: I have exams going on so it will take another week for me to start updating continuously. This chapter will be a bomb of emotions and new twists and one of my longest chapter. Do enjoy.

How many of you are ready to see Abhir and Abhimanyu in a slightly negative shade.

What if Abheera denies to accept them as her parent or sibling?

1 weeks later....

Abbeera stared outside the window, glancing at the clouds once in a while.
Yuvraj was busy with something related to work and she was depressed.

"Baby, Shall we have our Lunch?" Yuvraj asked without looking up from his laptop,

"You have, I am in no mood," Abheera as she was missing her mumma alot, well after all it was that time of the year. The time when she lost her papa and bhaiyu, their death date was near by and during this period she was highly emotional.

Though they were never part of her life, she craved for their love, she wanted to know what it felt like to be loved.

Yuvraj noticed Abheera was depressed and didn't understand why so, so he simply got their lunch and went near her.

Ever since Abheera came he made it a habit to first feed Abheera, than have his own lunch.

"Sweetheart, please have your lunch, after going to Delhi you have so much work to do, you need energy na, so now be a good girl and have your lunch," he said forwarding a bite spoon full of kichadi but Abheera didn't have.

Yuvraj became worried and touched her forehead, she was slightly warm but not feverish warm, he assumed it was due to the sun.

"Baby," Yuvraj spoke softly as he shook her gently, but Abheera didn't respond she was just staring at her ring, her mumma had told her it was a ring which her Papa had brought for her, she has been wearing it since U.K.G and every time the ring used to be too tight for her. She went and got it re made to adjust her finger size.

"Abheera, Jaan speak something," Yuvraj asked her a bit louder.

They both were in Yuvraj's private charter, so Yuvraj wouldn't mind yelling also but this was his love, he can't yell at her.

"Bola," Abheera said snapping out her thoughts,

"Lunch karlo, sweetheart," He said, to which Abheera nodded and opened her mouth making Yuvraj heart flutter, he feed her the kichadi, once he was done he had his own lunch, when Abheera just leaned on his shoulder.

"What happened sweetheart?" Yuvraj asked,

"Nothing," Abheera replied and closed her eyes.  Yuvraj patted her head and ler her fall asleep.

"I love you baby, I am happy that you are slowly trusting me, I promise you I will never give you a reason to cry,  I will never ever hurt you, I will always be there for you even if you push me away, Tujhko panne ke liya tukara denge jannat ve," Yuvraj said and kissed her forehead before getting back to work, he even had to write a new song for his new album.


Armaan has been a robot for the past week, he didn't speak to anyone in the family after realising Yuvraj has taken Abheera away, but he did not know why but he started feeling that  Abheera is safe with Yuvraj then she will be with his familu and he was write.

Armaan was in his office, It has been a week since he joined family at the dining table, he just eats enough to keep him working. After all once he gets some news on Abheera he is gonna create such a drama that everyone will see who the true Armaan Riddhima Poddar is.

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