Chapter 5

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6 months later.

Armaan reached Delhi after living in Udaipur for 2 months he was searching for Abheera like madman.

He was scared what if Yuvraj forces Abheera. Armaan went to meet his best friend Virat Raisinghania.

He soon reached the firm to find Abhira  standing outside and hugging Yuvraj tightly while. Yuvraj twirled her in the air and kissed her forehead.

He felt various emotions at the same time shock relief, pain,happiness and nostalgic memories. Relief Abhira was safe, Shock because he never expected her to be in Delhi, Pain because she didn't bother informing him she was safe, happy because she seemed like she finally found the love of her life.

Armaan was smart he didn't disturb their moment and admired it, it reminded him of himself and Riddhima.

When Yuvraj broke the hug Armaan came near them and said "Ek call nahi Abhira, pata hai khadusmaan abh gussa maan hogaya hai,"

Yuvraj and Abhira were shocked seeing him, but Armaan opened his arms asking her for a hug.

"Lawyer... she is no longer your wife stay in your limits," Yuvraj threatened holding Abhira in his arms.

"I am asking my best friend for a hug, u might have made her fall for you but that doesn't mean she can't hug her best friend," said Armaan, Yuvraj losened his grip on Abhira who gave him a sweet smile. Before she went and hugged Armaan it was a friendly hug.

"How are you," Armaan asked releasing Abhira from the hug, only Abhira to be pulled into a back hug by Yuvraj.

"I am fine Armaan what about you?" Asked Abhira softly,

"Hurt, betrayed, and trying to heal my soul, I was so worried one phone call telling you are fine would have eased my pain," said Armaan softly.

"I am sorry... but I was angry at you, u never came to save me... i callled u so many times was her friendship so weak Armaan, what if Yuvraj wasn't a nuce guy," asked Abhira,

"I am sorry... no amount of sorry can fix the mistake I did, but I swear I was busy with a client,only after going home I realised my mistake, I am sorry, I am ready to fall at your feet but please forgive me," Armaan said getting on his knees as tears rolled down his eyes.

"Lawyer... didn't your ruhi inform u that she was in danger," asked Yuvraj as he held Abhira he was not gonna let Abhira forgive him until he knows the truth, in the end it was Abhira's choice but she can announce her decision after his question are clarified.

"No... she is not my ruhi and....she knew about this," Armaan asked shocked making Abhira and Yuvraj realise that maybe Armaan was partially innocent.

"Yes and get up what is this getting on your knees," Abhira asked, forcing him to get up.

"I am really sorry Abheera punish me, you know what push me off the cliff,but please forgive me, I am sure Akshara mam will never forgive me I even know  u might not want to forgive me you have every right to do, I am ready to do anything to earn your forgivness, " pleaded Armaan.

Abheera could see the guilt in armaan's eyes and forgave him.

Yuvraj though was territorial about Abheera knew the ond Abheera shared with Armaan. He also knew his sweetheart will never leave him after the amount of romance they had in the past 1 month.  It took 5 months for him to make Abheera fall for him.

They all went to Yuvraj's house on their way Yuvraj got sunflowers for Abheera.

Making Armaan smile... Abheera was getting treated the way she should have been... like a queen, he was happy for her.

"He never hurt you right," Armaan asked the one question which was bothering him,

"No... he keeps pampering me... u know he cooks food everyday saying that when he is there I shouldn't do any work... but I swear Armaan you should taste the briyani made by him, it is heaven," said Abheera, making Yuvraj chuckle hearing his baby, his sweetheart praise him.

"I heard the Poddar firm is going to be bankrupt by the end of the year," said Yuvraj,

"Obviously fufuasa might be great at winning cases but me and Manoj Chachu along with fufa sa were the pillars of the firm and the firm cannot survive for long with just one pillar," said Armaan.

"You resgined," Abheera asked suprised making Armaan nod.

"Yeah... now that you are safe and happy and Achieved yout dreams, I guess I can go on my journey," said Armaan,

"What journey," Abheera adked curiosity kills the cat,

"Self love and self healing journey, after being used by your own family a person's heart breaks in the worst manner, and I still need to destroy Sanjay, I have all the evidence I just need to leak it. Then poddar firm will be completely destroyed and that old hag will also learn a lesson," said Armaan,

"I guess you are right," Abheera said with a shrug, when Yuvraj lifted her palm and kissed it.

"So finally found your prince charming," asked Armaan making Abheera nod.

"I hope you have the best life ahead with Yuvraj, I still don't trust him but your smile and health speaks volumes," said Armaan when Yuvraj handed Armaan a small sheet of paper.

"What is this?" Armaan asked,

"Address, Riddhima Singhania, your ex-girlfriend, your first love she lives in New york, unmarried and single," said Yuvraj,

Armaan looked at him with wide eye before thanking him a hundred times making Abheera and Yuvraj get smirk, they teased the hell out of Armaan.

"It feels so weird to know you are jiju, my ex-husband is my jiju," said Abheera shuddering

"I was never your husband we just pretended to get married our marriage was neither registered nor real, we were best friends and that's what we will be forever," said Armaan softly.
They soon reached Yuvraj's villa, Abheera went in while Yuvraj and Armaan spoke.

"Take care of her Yuvraj, she was once my reaponsibility now she is my best friend hurt her and I will ruin you," said Armaan,

"Lawyer, voh meri junnon hai, my love I love her beyond the universe, if I never hurt her I want you to cut my hand," said Yuvraj with full sincerity making Armaan smile and nod.

"Now I need to go... New york is waiting and these ecidence need to be leaked," said Armaan making Yuvraj nod,

"In furture do come home with riddhima Lawyer and maybe your kid also," said Yuvraj with a teasing smirk making Armaan smile and nod.

Armaan went in and bid Abheera bye and left.

He destroyed Sanjay's carrier by revealing all his crimes, he knew Abhir and Abhimanyu he made sure they never get to know where Abheera is. Now Poddar firm was in ruins.

He got his VISA to New york and finally he was going to meet his jaana.

To be continued.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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