Chapter 3

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Yuvraj was watching Abheera sleep, she looked so peaceful, when Yuvraj got a call, a smile graced Yuvraj face seeing the caller id.

"Hello Mr. Birla, I have sent you Rohit's location,"  said Yuvraj,

"I handed you Abheera, so our deal is done, don't contact me again," said Mr. Birla,

Yuvraj grunted a Yes and cut the call, he carassed Abheera's head.

Abheera woke up feeling a comforting touch on her head,

"Sorry baby, I woke you up," said Yuvraj,

Abheera stayed silent, she couldn't help it but miss her mumma more, seeing Abheera upset Yuvraj understood, he face palmed realising Abheera still doesn't know the truth, he turned on the T.V. and played a video.

"My love, I know you believe I am the reason your mom died but let me show you the reality," said Yuvraj making Abheera look at the T.V.

In the video, it was seen that Sanjay was the one who shot Akshara not Yuvraj.

Abheera was in tears making Yuvraj come near her and pulled her into a hug, Abheera ended up crying, all these days she was living with her mother's murderer.

"Don't cry baby, we will take your revenge after you become a lawyer," said Yuvraj as he comforted her. After Abheera stopped crying, yuvraj spoke.

"I have a offer for you baby," making Abheera look at him,

"Your internship with Virat will be for 3 months, if he takes a liking in you then it will be for a year and maybe he might appoint you as his assistant, so I want you give me an opportunuty too woo you, If I am able to make you fall in love with me in these 3 months then no one can seperate me from you, but If I fail you are free bird I will not force you to accept me, but in these 3 months you aren't allowed to contact anyone from Udaipur or anyone else, it will be just me, you and your work," said Yuvraj,

Abheera thought about it, it was a good opportunity for her work and she could stay away from the toxic Poddar family who are a fucking hinderence to her dreams. Poddar mansion was a place where no one respected her except for few people. She knew her Mumma would want her to move out.

"I agree," said Abheera,

"Then shall we leave for Delhi today Love, you will have enough time to settle down, " said Yuvraj, making Abheera nod.

"What about my things," Abheera asked,

"Don't worry, we will go for shopping and about books I have already planned on moving all these shelves to Delhi, by tomorrow they will be moved out," said Yuvraj,

"But...." Abheera wanted to argue but Yuvraj silenced her by placing a finger on her lips.

"It is my right to spoil you baby, so don't argue as for your mumma's box it will be sent to Delhi in 2 days, so chill," said Yuvraj, Abheera nodded,

"Now freshen up, I will prepare breakfast for us," said Yuvraj handing her a towel making Abheera nod, she took the towel and went to the washroom, while Yuvraj grabbed a white summer dress and inner wear and left them on the bed for Abheera.

He went and made Poha which was both his and Abheera's favourite.

Abheera took a bath and came and saw the outfit placed for her, which made her smile slightly, she wore it and brushed her hair before going downstairs. She grabbed her phone and begun watching Beyhadh, her favourite series. She has watched it 6 times but she never got tired of it.

Abheera was about to fall down from the stairs as she was lost watching Maya and Rudra, but Yuvraj caught her and said, "you have started falling for me baby even before I can make an effort,"

"No, I just slipped and thank you," said Abheera,

Yuvraj chuckled and lifted her in his arms and walked to the dinning table, Abheera was demanding him to let her walk but he denied saying, "Baby what if you slip again, and just enjoy the show, and we need to work on your diet,"

"I am not reducing my weight," said Abheera to which Yuvraj chuckled and said "who said anything about losing weight, baby you need to gain weight based kn your height I can tell you are atleast 5.6 ft tall which is 170 cm, and you are around 65 kg, you need to gain 5 more kg my love," said Yuvraj,

Abheera just grumbled and denied making Yuvraj smile, she looked Adorable, he didn't know what good he did in his life to get her in his ruined life.

He made her sit on the table and begun feeding her while having his own food. Abheera continued watching Beyhadh 2.


Madhav got the news that Yuvraj was the one who took Abheera away and they are unable to find Yuvraj, when Madhav informed Armaan he broke down.

He went and locked himself in his room, that's when 3 people came to Poddar mansion,

Ruhi who saw them was shicked and happy, she ran hugged the oldest man, shouting "Poppy,"

The entire Poddar family were in shock, but smiled seeing rohit who was on wheel chair but was smiling at them they were confused as too who the other men were but they got busy with Rohit.

"Poppy you are alive," asked Ruhi,

"Yes baccha I am alive, won't you meet your billa boy," asked Abhimanyu who was smiling, he was happy meeting his Neil's daughter, after Akshara died 20 years this was the first time Abhimanyu was meeting Ruhi as he had lost his memories in the accident, Abhir had been trying to help him gain his memories back, and Abhir was ready to take his revenge on Goenka's.

"Ruhi who are they?" Questioned Dadi sa who saw Ruhi arguing with Abhir, but she could tell they missed wach other alot.

[In this story abhimanyu nor Abhir have an idea that Ruhi accussed Akshara for her matashree's death, and rohit lost his memories in the accident, the last he remembers was that Ruhi and he got married,]

"Dadi sa they are my family, this is Abhimanyu birla who is almost a father to me and this Abhir my brother," said Ruhi,

The family's were happily getting to know each other without any care for the broken soul, Vidhya on the other blamed Abheera for ruining all her happiness, the moment she left her son was back.

Armaan was beyond broken but he didn't give up he called every single agency and asked them to find Abheera, he will spend his entire life savings to find her, since he knew Dadi sa will never give him anything from the property or family account, he was given salary like any other lawyer in the firm.


To be continued

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