1: Owned

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Flug's POV

I ran through the city of hell... through the people of hell, being lucky that I haven't been noticed or recognized yet for my appearance still an 'angelic' one
Flying would be an easier way but.. they were taken away from me and good thing I survived that
But now... I don't actually know where I was suppose to stay..

I ran through the alleyway and cringed at the sight of dead bodies
I almost puked so I still managed to avoid doing it
Luckily, I found a pair of clothes to make me more fit in on this new home of mine.(His clothes looks like Dr.Slug's if u guys know him)
I'm fallen, means I can't go back to my original home anymore so I have no other choice but to stay here and change myself into what people looks like here
They're demons, people of hell, exact opposite of angels, people of heaven...

Walking out the alleyway, noticed the people around me were so busy on their stuffs
Huh, same in heaven.. people there were busy too with their own businesses
I then walked in front of one of the building's windows and looked at my own reflection
Pulling down my angelic mask, surprised that I still look the same. Golden hair, pale skin, emerald eyes.. I haven't changed even a bit..
Sure I changed my clothes, but my body? No..
Usually, angels who fell from heaven to hell... their whole body appearances would change... Like they will turn into demonic forms, grow horns, tails, and more..
But.. Why haven't I changed into a demon yet?! I'm still me! An angel without wings! This can't be happening... I mean, I'm still thankful but what if people here will find out that I'm actually different from them, an angel to be exact! It would be horrible, they will eat me! Or worse... kill me!
I don't wanna die! Not yet..

I tiredly sighed then noticed an empty large paper bag sitting on the bench and gazed back at my angelic mask on my hands
Might as well get rid of this to avoid being identified... So.. To avoid being killed, I gotta disguise like I'm one of them too..
I looked around for a while, then when the coast was clear... I grabbed my acid ray under my white coat then fired my mask with it
I watched as it melted on the floor then returned my ray back under my coat
I walked towards the bench then took the paper bag and made wholes on it for me to see, then grabbed my goggles and wore it after my paper bag

So yeah, I look more ridiculous, but it's fine... At least I look like I'm one of them now..
Now... I need a safer place to stay, well... Hell was never been a safe place based on what I heard and read..
This is my first time being here and will be my forever
I don't really know about Hell and demons so I gotta observe and understand them in order for me to learn their lifestyle and to adapt from them

I started wandering around the place while being nervous for the whole 'journey'
I have good memory, I'm fast learner, and I can memorize things easily... So through my journey, I've known some common places and people
Some are really evil and bad, some are neutral, and some are a little nice... which is still good..
As I was about to take a rest into the empty bench..
"Hey there you weirdo!" Someone randomly called out
It was a random gangster-like imp who approached me
"Wanna buy some drugs? They're still new and the price is just affordable" he said while holding out some... white powders on plastic..? I assume they were called 'drugs' based on what he just mentioned
I'm still new and learning stuffs here... so..

"Um... No thanks, I'm good" I calmly respond and he suddenly grabbed me by my collar harshly
I yelped at the sudden action and now on my defense stance
"Buy it now or else!" He snarled
I was so scared right now
"I.. I-I-"
"Hey! There you are!~" another demon popped up, interrupted me
We turned to see it was a demon girl... a lizard-like one..(her appearance is still the same except she has devilish horns, any kind of horns you would imagine)

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