3: Angel...

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Blackhat's POV

I just couldn't believe I'm starting to grow attached to this pathetic angel bitch..
I don't know how it all really started, when? But maybe it was because he's always kind to me despite all the hurtful things I did to him.. He always respect me and his feelings are real.. But how come I did not realized it sooner that he was actually an angel.. Well, there was some clues but I still refused to believe because he was my best and fav one yet..

I tiredly sighed as I finished healing Flug who was now sleeping comfortably on his bed
His soft wings was still on his back
I carefully started cupping his cheek and admire the most beautiful view I've ever seen
Sure I've seen a lot of angels before but.. not as gorgeous as him..
How come he's so different from any other lower angels..
Ugh.. This trivial thoughts of mine
Just... What have you done to me..

I stared at him for a while, admiring everything while still couldn't believe that I could feel these filthy feelings
It's just that, ever since he appeared in my life, things started to change in me..
".. I'm sorry.. my lord... sorry.." I stopped touching him when he suddenly mumbled on his sleep
Is he awake? Did I wake him?
But.. He was still sorry even though I'm at fault too
I abused him, I did not listen to his words first, I just couldn't believe I've gone too far this time..

A tear suddenly ran down from his eye, I wiped it with my thumb then I quickly hissed and shook my hand because it suddenly burns
What... holy water.. angels cry holy waters?! Good thing they didn't happen to hit me everytime he cry..
He then squirmed on his sleep one more time before I hear soft snoring again
Not gonna lie, he's cute..

I stood up then left the room
My house been awfully yet satisfyingly quiet for a while
Because after everything had just happened... I sent Demencia and 505 to a mission together and they'll be back by tomorrow
So what I'm gonna do now.. I'm not in a mood to kill anyone right now.. Not even taking care of those damn papers..
Oh, what about it's time for me to learn more about angels.. only because my fav employee is one! Nothing else.

Few moments later
I teleported to the library to find and read a book all about angels
"Why hello there sir! Welcome! Fancy seeing you here, how may I help you?" Asked the librarian who  appeared out of nowhere
"I need a book about those damn angels" I simply said, he was quite surprised but proceed to find it around the large bookshelves
It didn't took long before he came back with tons of them floating around him

"What kind of angels you want to dig up some infos? About Seraphims? Cherubim? Archangels-"
"JUST ANGELS!" I cut him off
"SSSSHHHH" said the people around us who were reading some books
"YOU DARE FUCKING SHUSH ME?!" all of them flinched and just continued to their own business
I wiped down my face in annoyance
"Right... just angels, ah yes, the lowest rank" the librarian muttered as he finally handed me the book
I took it then quickly teleported back home to my room and started reading

Few hours later, even though I'm a fast reader, I'm almost there to finish the book. Heck this book has a lot of damn pages!
While I was in the middle of turning to the next page, I suddenly felt something just happened.. then noticed from the corner of my eye that my cabinet where I hid my contract with Flug is now glowing red in a blinking style
I put down my book on the nightstand then stood up to check the cabinet

It was the contract that was glowing much, this was the first time it happened actually so I'm not really sure what was going on
Then... I felt it again, a weird feeling that something just went wrong or someone was...
Wait- no... No no no

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