4: I love you!

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1 day have passed and tomorrow is Flug's last day in Hell..
Flug also stopped wearing anything to cover his face as he knows that he's already safe with Blackhat who knows his true identity and being on his side
Blackhat on the other hand had stopped reading the book, he decided not to continue reading it any further then returned it to the library
He started to change, he suddenly changed when he realized that he has these feelings for this certain angel.. though it was his first time experiencing the feeling but he knows what it really means
Being an embodiment of evil, most feared demon... was actually capable of having such feelings..
Blackhat himself thought it was impossible, he used to gag at those kind of stuffs, but now... he found it comforting..

Blackhat's been on Flug's side, making it up for Flug. He's making sure Flug would enjoy, face no more problems and other negative things just in case it's really his last day tomorrow
So, he have no other choice but to accept the fact that his angel will be gone... And it is for the best

The two are now standing on a balcony of the manor
Blackhat hugging him from behind while Flug holding his arms close, embracing their peaceful moment together
"Hey.. What about I'll help you to magically disappear your wings, not in a bad way ofc... yknow, invisible~" Blackhat offered, yes, Flug's soft wings were still there
"Really? You know how?" Flug asked, now facing the demon with sparkles being visible on their eyes
Blackhat smirked then spread his large dark-colored wings with couple of demon eyes on it
Flug watched in awe
"Y-you actually have wings?! It makes you look more amazing!"

Blackhat blushed a bit at the compliment then cleared his throat
"Of course I have wings, you think I did not?" He calmly asked, he didn't mean to be rude, he just wanna see Flug's reaction to his question
Well, Flug was startled at it, he didn't know if his question really offended the demon or not so he started to apologize
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean- *cough cough*" His coughing fit doesn't disappear which makes Blackhat more concerned about him as he went beside the angel to comfort him, he watch as feathers started to fall from the angel's mouth
"I was just kidding.. Of course I know you mean no offense, I hide it all the time anyway and not too fond of flying off so.. let's just relax" Blackhat assured him then took both of Flug's hands with his as the two looked at each other's eyes for a while

"Spread your wings Flug and let us soar the sky together"
Blackhat was willing to teach Flug to fly, he also said it so that he could enjoy their moments together
Flug shyly smiled then nodded, he's now too excited to fly together with his boss... for someone he's having weird feelings for lately..
Blackhat started raising himself up from the floor as he gently pulled Flug whose wings have also started flapping
"*chuckles* just relax, don't flap your wings too fast. It's not like you're being chased down by a horrible storm right now" Blackhat said as he carefully grabbed Flug further up the sky with him and Flug's actually getting better under his boss's guidance

"I... I'm actually doing it! *cough* I'm flying!!" Flug exclaimed excitedly as he slowly let go of Blackhat who's still not that far away from him
Flug beautifully flap his wings as he started to fly circles around Blackhat
"Glad to see you're enjoying it"
"Well, thanks to you!"

Moments later, the two spent their best time flying together for a while, they also danced through the wind, not noticing the fact that their 'relationship' are actually not 'employer and employee' anymore just the way they spend time together.

Minutes later, after soaring the sky
They returned back to their manor then entered the office while still having a chat and laughter
But that moment of joy suddenly seemed to stop when they saw a certain Seraphim standing in front of the desk, always wearing a happy look on his face, and he was seems like to be waiting for something or someone
Blackhat's visible eye widened in shock while Flug beside him looked confused as to why the Seraphim was here and what in the name of Hell he was doing here

"Angel in disguise" - Paperhat Villainous FanficWhere stories live. Discover now